GB-62 1/72 Spitfire Mk 21 Contraprop - Spitfires

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Senior Airman
Jul 31, 2019
Pennsylvania, USA
Username: PlasticHero
First Name: Alan
Category: Intermediate
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: Special Hobby
Model: 72318
Extras: JB Models 1/76 Landrover

I have been looking forward to this build for quite a while. You may have noticed that I am a complete Spitphile and back in the 80's I built K5054, the prototype Spit and this will represent if not the "last" one, at least the most developed. These were introduced very late in the war and did see service but in a very limited fashion. The schemes I have are post-war commanders' aircraft and I am probably going to do an overall silver that will contrast with the typical camo.

Thanks fubar57 fubar57
A very quick look at the plastic shows good detail and not an overly complex build. I'll go into this more as I start glueing.

I'd like to introduce two potential builds for the far future GB's. We have Mustang and Spitfire, how about Me 109 A-Z and then..... Zeros for Heros.

Decided to add a Landrover to this build. I don't know if this aircraft lasted until LR was used but I'm not going to waste a $3 kit when the times lines are "close enough".
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Great to see a Mk.21 in the GB, and I wish there was a full, injection-moulded kit in 1/48th scale.

However, as far as I'm aware, there was only one Mk.21 converted to trial a contra-rotating prop, Serial No. LA218.
I presume that the extra prop blades in the kit are for the Seafire variant, given that there's also an alternative "hooked" tail assembly shown.
Thanks Geo, got that.
I haven't checked further for other airframes in the Mk.21 series converted to contra-prop, but as far as I'm aware, this fitting was on trials aircraft (possibly for Seafire development), and I don't think saw service apart from that.
The instructions say "Several machines were equipped with Griffon 85 and contra rotating props. It was necessary to enlarge the rudder area." These were test A/C and not in combat service. After the war they tended to be used by higher ranking officers.
(added details to first post)
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