GB-63 1/48 Hawker Tempest Mk.V Serie 2 - Stormy Weather

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Hi Steph,
Are you sure about the interior green inside in the wheels wells?
We talk about it on Master here is the link:

Bonne journée !!!
Hello Pascal,
As you mentionned, not sure on the wheel wells colour; I lightened the dry-brushing to try to get closer to this kind of light grey/green
Looks good. I wasn't expecting the silver framing but you are probably correct.
it seems that there are several versions: alu, black, RAF interior green...
I don't know if i'm probably correct...Here my wife tells me that I'm not always right... But I think she's often/always wrong...!!!
Oops, honey, you were there ... Ouch, not on the head...

Anyway, cockpit is done.

Serious work. What was wrong with the kit tail?

Good stuff, curious like Andy about the tail....


Here are the problems fixed by the AlleyCat resin set, in German language: AlleyCat AC48001c-IPMS_Deutschland
It also corrects the cutting of horizontal stabilizer but the resin kit needs to be modified at the tail: horizontal stabilizer/rudder connection.

I didn't glue the resin tail, before, I work on the problem horizontal stabilizer/rudder connection and to reduce the thickness of the Eduard rudder because there is no reliefs on the AlleyCat's one. Pics soon

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