GB-63 1/48 Macchi C.202 "Folgore" - Stormy Weather (1 Viewer)

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Good stuff, thanks gents. The diagram I posted was to demonstrate the difference in dihedrals of the two profiles, not to define the dihedral itself. I will definitely be going with the flatter of the two options, though the Hasegawa kit might be TOO flat. We'll see.

It's been a busy few weeks and I hope to get back to this build when the weather turns. Looking at several days of 30C plus so will take advantage of that by being outdoors rather than in my model dungeon.
OK, back at it for an hour tonight. Here's the unmodified dihedral dry-fitted. It's perfectly flat when you look at the grid lines in the background.


My original plan was to paint the fuselage and wing smoke rings before I assembled everything but I decided to fix this now by taking a bit of material off the fuselage wing root to allow the wing uppers to close the small resulting gap. Doing this after painting would have made a mess so I carved away some material and trussed everything up and glued it together. Here's the patient resting comfortably:


I'll take the "after" pic tomorrow once I pull the elastics and clamps. See you then.
Thanks guys. Seam clean-up today. There was a very small step in each wing root which was filed down, sanded, and rescribed. The white patches represent the covers for the wing attachment bolts. The seams for these were moulded in but the wing seams ran right down the center of them so I replaced them with thin styrene card. Note also that I thickened the panel line at the back of the engine cowl as, in actual fact, there was a pretty big gap here on the 1:1 model.


On the underside, the wing/fuselage joint went well and only needed some moderate filing, sanding, and rescribing.


Looks like a few challenges to come on the lower engine cowl, which will be the subject of my next update. Thanks for the visit.
Thanks all. Got a bit more done and, as mentioned above, here's what I was dealing with on the lower cowl:


You can see a fair sized step under the last exhaust stub. This area actually curves back on itself and the moulded part didn't like that so there was actually a weird ledge that I had sanded away before gluing the cowl in place (sorry but I didn't take a before pic of that). There's a step near the wing root and also one at the front of the cowl.

Here's the fix:


The step at the root is actually smoothed over but what you see is that I opened up the seam with a razor saw as, once again, pics seem to indicate that there is a very large gap here on the real plane. The enlarged gap can also be seen below:


In the above pic, you can also see that I had to replace two of the PE strips in the wheel well with plastic as they had torn off during the dry-fitting of the wing to fuselage. It's a tight squeeze in there and I'm surprised nothing else tore loose.

In other news, I began preparing the radiator housing. I usually find the kit parts to be a little on the thick side so I try to thin the edges to look more like the sharp edges they should be. Below are before and after pics of the housing and flap.


That'll be it for today guys. I appreciate you stopping by for a look and for dropping a few nice comments and likes.

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