GB-63 1/48 Tempest Mk.II - Stormy Weather

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Ralph Haus

Tech Sergeant
Jul 24, 2016
Leander Texas
Username: Ralph Haus
First name: Ralph
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Eduard
Model: 84190
Scale: 1:48

I thought I should enter this GB again. There is, hopefully, enough time to complete with this GB ending 12/1. I may be losing a bit of bench time shortly, but these Eduard kits are a builders dream in how the go together and should not be a labor intensive one allowing me to complete. If not??? There will always be another Zombie competition.

This kit is the 'younger sister' to my previous build. It seems that the Mk.II did not see much WWII action but soldered on as a reliable aircraft for other countries. I am doing the basic build, cockpit and such. while not yet having decided what finish to apply.

Tempest Mk.II Box Art.jpg

However I do have a build question!! The lower wing section has optional mounting details molded in. On the inside, there are blind holes defining the areas that would need to be drilled through, depending if choosing options A or B for mounting rocket hardware. However only option A uses the 3 (per side) rectangular details to mount the aux gas tanks. Should these recesses be filled in if the aux tanks are not used; selecting options B-C or D. Looking at the instruction 'finish' details for the B-C-D options, these recesses ae not showing.

wing molded detail.jpg
Tempest Mk.II Option A mountings.jpg

Tempest Mk.II Option A mounting.jpg
Tempest Mk.II Option B mountings.jpg
Tempest Mk.II Option C-D mountings.jpg
A show of a bit of progress. Only about a dozen or so of those teeny (less than 1mm) sized parts left to go. Then its much faster and easier. The 'pit' is dry fitted to be sure that the halves fit tightly. No surprise, they do. In fact I dry fitted the wing assembly as well, and looking at the joints, I'm concerned that there may not be enough gap to apply the liquid glue. Have to love these later Eduard kits!!

Mk.II Pit 3.jpg

Mk.II Pit.jpg

Mk.II Wheel Bays.jpg
Username: Ralph Haus
First name: Ralph
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Eduard
Model: 84190
Scale: 1:48

I thought I should enter this GB again. There is, hopefully, enough time to complete with this GB ending 12/1. I may be losing a bit of bench time shortly, but these Eduard kits are a builders dream in how the go together and should not be a labor intensive one allowing me to complete. If not??? There will always be another Zombie competition.

This kit is the 'younger sister' to my previous build. It seems that the Mk.II did not see much WWII action but soldered on as a reliable aircraft for other countries. I am doing the basic build, cockpit and such. while not yet having decided what finish to apply.

View attachment 797145

However I do have a build question!! The lower wing section has optional mounting details molded in. On the inside, there are blind holes defining the areas that would need to be drilled through, depending if choosing options A or B for mounting rocket hardware. However only option A uses the 3 (per side) rectangular details to mount the aux gas tanks. Should these recesses be filled in if the aux tanks are not used; selecting options B-C or D. Looking at the instruction 'finish' details for the B-C-D options, these recesses ae not showing.

View attachment 797150View attachment 797147

View attachment 797146View attachment 797148View attachment 797149
Best i could find Ralph
From here
Best i could find Ralph
From here
View attachment 797450

Hmmmm! Maybe?? Certainly 'looks' like something is recessed in the approximate area. Have to think about it, but thanks for the efforts. May just resolve the issue by building with tanks! Add a bit of detail and color! Was wanting to not do another gray-n-green but the silvers (other than being a challenge to pull off) are kind of, well, bland.
Hmmmm! Maybe?? Certainly 'looks' like something is recessed in the approximate area. Have to think about it, but thanks for the efforts. May just resolve the issue by building with tanks! Add a bit of detail and color! Was wanting to not do another gray-n-green but the silvers (other than being a challenge to pull off) are kind of, well, bland.
Everything looks better in RAF grey/green :lol:

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