Was Slim ever considered for a major command in the ETO? History is kind to his command in the CBI. Would he have made a good replacement for the 21st Army Group if Gen Eisenhower had actually sent his ultimatum memo to the Combined Chiefs in Dec '44? I know Alexander was the candidate, but would Slim have been a better choice?
Was Slim ever considered for a major command in the ETO? History is kind to his command in the CBI. Would he have made a good replacement for the 21st Army Group if Gen Eisenhower had actually sent his ultimatum memo to the Combined Chiefs in Dec '44? I know Alexander was the candidate, but would Slim have been a better choice?
the memo was not sent. Ike was prepared to send a memo basically saying to the CCS it was either he or Montgomery. Ike had Marshall's full support, so it was clear that Montgomery would go, and the SHAEF staff discussed Alexander as a replacement for Montgomery.
the memo was not sent. Ike was prepared to send a memo basically saying to the CCS it was either he or Montgomery. Ike had Marshall's full support, so it was clear that Montgomery would go, and the SHAEF staff discussed Alexander as a replacement for Montgomery.
I got it that it wasn't sent, I'm asking if you have a link.
Neither SHEAF or Marshall have the power to sack Montgomery.
If Ike can't figure out how to manage the personalities that he needs to work with, maybe he'd be replaced by Devers.