George Lucas planning to make a WWII film "Red Tails"

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Frankly, the whole thing looked like a mediocre computer game, interspersed with over-the-top 'Gung Ho' b*ll*cks !!
Reminded me of the comics we had as kids in the 1950s.
I'm pickier than most but I will still take time out to watch this, as they will never make a movie that aviation fans will be happy with.

I read an intersting point about Master and Commander, a Nopoleanic Navel movie which I really enjoyed, but as I have no knowledge of navel warfare of the time and the movie was probably full of little things they did wrong, but did I notice? no, did it truely matter? no, does it make it a bad movie? no.
The same will go for the Movie goers who see red Tails, if it gives them the push they need to learn about the air war during WWII then all the better.

To the average person the only units invloved in WWII were the 101st Airborne and the SS
I think my 2 main "bitches" about this movie are the fact that this has been done before and as it's been noted, the allied aircraft and the German aircraft are not identified properly.

*IF* this were a movie based on fiction, then it could be dismissed like the movie "Flyboys" where the director had all the Fokker DR.1 aircraft painted red (so the audience could tell who the bad guys were...even though a Dreidecker was pretty obvious by it's profile) but this movie is supposed to be representing historical fact.

They took the time to construct the appropiate wireframe in the CG program and to skin it, why not follow through with the correct markings and identification. It seems to me that if they can't portray the aircraft with accuracy, then what about the facts in the rest of the story?
hollywood is under the assumption that reality doesnt sell. truth is boring in their minds so they have to embelish the storyline and/or sex it up in some way. the right LW ac probably didnt look evil enough for them and of course no one is going to pay attention to those kinds of details anyways. the main story is the heroic fight of these men and who would want minor details like historical fact to detract from that.
It's a shame, as, having seen the 'stills' posted by Roman some time ago, taken on the airfield in the Czech Republic used as the main 'set', I thought the attention to detail (on the set) was rather good. I was therefore looking forward to seeing the finished movie, but now, I might get it out when it's released on DVD - maybe.
It wouldn't have cost anymore money to make the a/c historically correct. with all that documentation out there. Bf109 had to have been the most photographed a/c in WWII. B-17s too. I understand there selling the 'hollywood image' here, but just like bobby said nobody will notice, its equally true nobody would notice if its correct. well::: except for us, and a few others. come on LUCAS... get with the program already!!!
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What are we complaining about ? I can't remember a great deal of accuracy in the older movies. I can remember Bf 108s standing in for Me 109s, Mustangs even for Me 109s, Texans for Zero's, About as good as it ever got was Texans rebuilt to resemble Zeros in Tora Tora Tora, Or the Spanish Merlin powered Hispano Ha1112's for 109's in the BOB.
As fewer warbird owners are willing to put their rare aircraft at the extra risk of a movie production, we're going to have to be satified with computer generated flight scenes. It's just seems when they can now can get things accurate if they really wanted to, but they have to jazz it up.
if Mr. Lucas ever decides to do a film of the battles in the Pacific, this period correct photo should come in handy for reference:


Yes, you got the answer in your post. If, in the older movies, they were using different planes instead of the real planes, I can understand it. There were limits. But with today´s PC possibilities, is it really such a big problem to make the movie as real as possible? No. You only have to hire the right historian who´s able to tell you which is wrong and which is corect. It would be more helpful than to pay the people who don´t have any idea about the units, insignias and historical facts.
For me it´s a manifestation of ignorance to the 15th USAAF vets at least.

very well said Roman
I agree. The props and art departments went to the trouble of re-painting Mustangs, building full-size replicas of Mustangs and P40s, and 'dressing' the airfield authentically, so why not take the time to do the relatively simple job of getting the air to air scenes right!?!

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