Germans demand apology for allied bombing raids

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You are dead wrong RG_Lunatic. A soldier is a soldier no matter what side he fights on. German soldiers fought for there country and many of them did not fight for Hitler. They fought for Germany which any self respecting citizen would do. My Grandfather was a very honorable man, was until the day he died and he was a Major in the Wehrmacht, so are you saying he has no honor because he recieve notification that he had to join the Wehrmacht because they were in short supply of doctors and he answered his countries call and put on a uniform? I do not expect you to understand this because you have never experienced it. I wear a uniform and it has an American flag on my right shoulder. I carry out orders and do my duty for the United States America and that is nothing different than what most German soldiers did in WW2. And most of them had and still do today have honor. It is easy for a civilian to talk about soldiers like that, I do not expect you to understand. I fought Iraqi soldiers and I do I hate them and think they are dishonorable no they were fighting for there country. God bless all soldiers and may they keep there honor!

Okay, I will accept that some German soldiers had honor. But so many German soldiers followed illegal orders, especially on the E. front, it is hard to accord honor to those who did deserve it.

I will post some diaries of Wehrmacht soldiers for you to read.


but even if they didn't want to carry out an order, they bloddy well had to, they didn't have that choise, you can't blame them for that..............
the lancaster kicks ass said:
but even if they didn't want to carry out an order, they bloddy well had to, they didn't have that choise, you can't blame them for that..............
It depends on the order.
A small number of Heer did object and refuse to follow what in their eyes were illegal orders. While a number were transfered to other units, their is actually little evidence that any drastic measures were taken against them.
It appears that the Nazi high command was keen to keep its illegal activities as low key as possible, so rather than force units to obey these orders, if any did object, they would find other units to do it instead

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