Germans demand apology for allied bombing raids

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I have the Holy Grail, Meaning of Life, Now for something completely different and Life of Brian on DVD.
GermansRGeniuses said:
I still haven't finished Life of Brian...

It gets BORING!

The Holy Grail kicks ass, though...

Give it another try. Just when it starts to get "boring" give it a few more mins and the aliens pop in. It really is much more subtle than most of the other MP films, but it's probably the best in many respects for that reason. Every time I see it something else in it cracks me up.


Jabberwocky was another good one as well... Life of Brian was funny as hell.. Blasphemy at its highest art form.... The Meaning of Life was pure genius..... "It was the Salmon Mousse...." Priceless....

"How are u feeling today Sir?"
"Oh my thats gre......"
"Better get me a bucket, Im gonna throw up.."

That scene was insane......
lesofprimus said:
Jabberwocky was another good one as well... Life of Brian was funny as hell.. Blasphemy at its highest art form.... The Meaning of Life was pure genius..... "It was the Salmon Mousse...." Priceless....

"How are u feeling today Sir?"
"Oh my thats gre......"
"Better get me a bucket, Im gonna throw up.."

That scene was insane......

Actually I didn't think Life of Brian was really all that Blasphemous. It was on the surface of course, but below that it was really about how people miss the point and twist things to their own ends.
lesofprimus said:
The way they mocked Religion and Christ and the Jews was just far beyond anything else comedy-wise up till then... They definatly set the bar.....

Yes, but if you really watch the movie, it is done in a respectful way. It merely points out the hippocracy between what each group says and what it does.
Yes, but if you really watch the movie, it is done in a respectful way.
Respectful mockery of Christ and Religion...... Dude, the crap was just plain ass funny..... And that scene where he gets naked is funny as hell, goin to the window and streching, and theres 10,000 people down below him, worshiping him.... Hilarious.....

U just gotta look past the dick shot...
No but its totally unecassary...

Would you prefer it if I said "That bit where you see his cock is brilliant!"? ;)

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