Germans demand apology for allied bombing raids

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You forgot :

Schultz-Staffel (SS) : (No translation needed.)
Kriegs Marine : (War) Navy
Blitz-Krieg : (Hard to translate in English) Attaque-Éclair
Luftwaffe : Air Force
Gestapo : (No translation needed.)
Juden : Jew
Senfgas : Mustard Gas
Gaszimmer : Gas Chamber
I'm only the Newb here, so I'll be brief.

Should the Queen apologize to Germany? No goddamn way!!
The world is too effin' touchy feely these days as it is, with all of this "politically correct" bull! Everyone here knows it's bull, and I can just imagine what the British public must think of it!
Christ, whats next?

Gestapo is a shorted version of Geheim Stats Polizei

Like Zyklon-B, which is shorthand for Cyanide, Chlorine, and Nitrogen - thats what they used in the camps, not mustard gas. Hydrocyanic acid, very nasty stuff.
Thats a great concept...You read the one about the Texan guy who tried to extract to explosives from a grenade for fireworks...

...using a chainsaw?
Having said that, I know of a guy with access to an industrial centrifuge, who was thinking of putting a mouse in it, and ramping it up to 2 million R.P.M, which, he confidently predicted, would tear the creature apart down to its molecular atoms leaving some fur and a puddle of plasma.
He didn't do it.

A: It seemed a bit cruel in the cold light of day.
B: It would make a real mess, which he would then have to clean.

But, as a concept, quite interesting......

Take a look at this story on the darwin awards website I just found:
Oh - not nice. Stories like that....

Have you heard about the guy in Scotland who tried to wack off using a honeydew melon?

He decided, to give it that 'full real' sensation, to warm it up in the microwave first, before carving out a hole to fit the wee fella into.

Except he overlooked one thing. The melon cooked from the inside out, so the middle was roasting hot.

You could hear the scream as far away as Kirkwall it was said, and he had a humiliating, not to mention uncomfortable two week stay in hospital for 2nd degree burns.
Heres a better one:

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