Get Lucky!

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#$%**^%$$##**^!!!%!!! I thought to myself.
Dixie dropped the fish tank and just sat there in the chair. Soaked from her head to her stomach from the fish water, she would have won a wet T-shirt contest. Then she belched and spit out a Tiger barb.
"Who the hell is setting me up?!" I said and I started to pace across the room. "Who is doing this? And why? And who was Piltdown Man?"
"Maybe a client?" Dixie said as she wiped her mouth, the lipstick smearing across her cheek like a skidmark. "Happens to me all the time."
"No, can't be that. All my clients are pissed at me but not to this extent." I still paced around the room and kicked a Tickle-Me Elmo doll into the closet. It giggled as it settled among the empty pizza boxes.
"Well, I don't know," Dixie said, "I got my own problems with Bucky." She picked up her purse and started rooting around in it.
"Whoever it is, we're meeting up with him tommorrow and the punk better have some answers." I said. I pulled out the crumpled reciept and looked at the names I had written on it.
"I better go prepared." I said.
"How?" Dixie asked as she began pulling stuff out of her purse and laying them on the desk. On top of a few condoms and an 1818 George III shilling, she placed a copy of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".
"Whoever this is, has got this planned out. I need some defense, maybe a weapon. Or Richard Simmons."
Dixie perked up and her shirt showed it.
"I may have something! What do you want?"
"What do you have?"
She started to ravenously dig into her purse and rapidly tossed things onto the desk. Out came 5 tubes of lipstick, a tire repair kit and a spatula. She looked at me and grinned.
"A Remington 1100 Autoloader?" she said.
Too big for my purpose. "Anything else?" I asked.
"A phased plasma pulse-laser in the forty watt range..." she answered and continued to dig in her purse.
A what......?
"Uzi 9 millimeter." she mumbled.
I was impressed. "You know your weapons, girl."
"Any one of them's ideal for home defense. Which'll it be?" she asked and smiled.
I thought it over a second. "Lets take them all." I said.
A smile cracked the drying lipstick and she let out a loud "Woo Hoo!!" I thought she was gå agurk. I let loose with an SBD. We needed some sleep if we were gonna make it to the Brown Willie bright eyed, so she took the couch (sweeping off the trash and rubbing off the sticky parts) and I fell asleep in the desk chair. I and then....for.....panties............"Oh, no!"......................

We're sorry to bring this interuption but BBC 61 is currently switching to HD and we are experiencing difficulties. Please be patient and we'll soon return you to the exciting "Get Lucky: Revenge of the Perp." In the meantime, while our sponsors scramble for ad space, we bring you this very important Public Service Announcement.

Ok, did you hear the one about the Pope and the Swedish.....------------------------------------------------------------frickin cable----------------------------------------------------------


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A half hour later they were in her room. When Sam wanted something he did not waste time.
"I usually don't invite strange men up to my room," Mrs. Costello giggled.
"I'm not strange." Sam replied, opening up champagne and surreptitiously slipping two strong sleeping pills into hers. "What is so strange about wanting to be alone with a beautiful woman?"
Mrs. Costello cackled with delight. This was the best one to come her way since the twenty year old black waiter in Detroit. Who could ever forget the excitement of one's first furtive gropings. The hands under the sweater. The lips, the tongues, teeth. The eroticism of investigating a strange ear. The exquisite thrill of a clandestinely fondled kneecap. Mrs. Costello felt as flushed as any 15 year old. It was an amazing sensation. Sam, too, was filled with an unremembered excitement. To touch but not really able to. To feel - but not properly.
"I want to see your body." Sam whispered. "I know you have a very beautiful body."
Mrs. Costello traced the line of his mouth with her tongue.
"None of your BS lines, please, Sam. None of your stock phrases. You don't have to play the perfect gentleman with me."
She had figured him out pretty quickly. He liked that. Their tongues played sensuous games. His fingers were on her thigh, traveling up, sneaking around the leg of her panties.
"What do you think you are doing!" Mrs. Costello exploded, "You cannot......"

I awoke to find myself on the couch next to Dixie who had my wrist bent back in a grip that was the most painful I had ever felt. I let out a gruffled moan, trying not to black out from the pain. Never in my life had I been roused out of a dream like this - except for that time in Manilla with that Greek midget.
"Don't ever try that again, funnyman. Theres a price that comes with this toy." she barked and bent my wrist back further. It felt like it would break off.
"ok, ok," I moaned, "I get the picture. I was only dreaming. Can I have my wrist back?"
"As long as we're clear on the rules." she said and released her grip.
Just as quickly I slapped her across the face with my good hand. She fell back across the desk and into the chair, wide-eyed.
"Thats for waking me up."


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It could not get any better for comic fans. It's going to be Christmas all over again. And some of you are probably going "Huh? There was a sequel to 'Get Lucky'?" The point of comic book issues are to progress a story, not bore the readers. And even when the plot progresses, this has horrible plots. In these issues, Sam Slade discovers that a scientist made a clone of Lucky and his deceased girlfriend Dorothy Stratten. The twist was the clone named Screamin' E had all the memories of Sam Slade and thought he was Sam Slade. Then, the real Sam Slade began to think he himself was the clone. Sam defeated the clone in a fight, threw him down a vent and the clone died…or is he! "Get Lucky" teaches us an interesting lesson: even when lame jokes are delivered by pseudo homeless guys, they're still not funny. Sadly, it's impossible to not read these comics when they're in the comics book section. The text is so big and scarce that your eyes flock to it. Even if you don't want to read it, you'll be forced by the laws of nature to do it. "The Family Circus" also uses this technique. Makes mere ham-handed idiocy look like Alfred Einstein or something. Not in a good way either. Just terribly drawn, every panel is all scribbly and ugly, especially the inept attempts at a "pretty girl" character. Sometimes it's a page of text with an illustration, sometimes it's a page of comics, sometimes it's half and half, sometimes it's a full page cosmic hippie jumble of floating words and warped images. Best use for these comics: Donate to an animal shelter to line the dog pens.

At fine comic bookstores in Bulgaria. Grab yours today!


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It was late morning and the blood was just starting to return to my wrist. Dixie was busy grabbing things and stuffing them back into her pocketbook, muttering Spanish curses under her breath. I didn't care except I would need her arsenal of weapons. I started to pick up a Desert Eagle off the desk when she went for my wrist again.
"Whoa'" I said, "Don't you know any other moves besides that 'Karate Kid' special?"
"I'm getting out of here!" she yelped, and continued to stuff trinkets into her bag including a John Birch Society pamphlet. She looked angry. I could tell by the look in her eye and the way she scrunched up her face. It looked like a foot.
"Fine, but can't you at least leave the S W Model 29 .44-cal. Magnum revolver?" I said.
"I don't like the games you play, Professor." She continued to stuff her bag. In went a Bee Gees CD.
"Now you listen to me, I'm an detective, not a red herring. I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me, and I don't intend to disappoint them all by getting myself "slightly" killed." I grabbed my copy of Danish Playboy just as she began to jam it into her purse. She refused to let go and a tug-of-war started between her and me. I decided to let go and the sudden release let the magazine smack her in the face and she fell back with the desk chair. Landing on the floor in a heap, I couldn't help but think she was as bright as Alaska in December. Collecting herself together, she glared at me.
"Røv og nøgler!" she spat.
"Alright," I started, "Lets calm down here." I offered my hand to help her up but she just spat on it and huffed herself to a standing positon. I could see the skirt was ripped a few inches more - inches it didn't really have. She's had a body that wouldn't quit but a brain that wouldn't start.
"Alright," I said, "I'm in the middle of something here and I can't figure it out. Everything is too neat. Call it my women's intuition, if you will. But I've never trusted neatness. Neatness has always been the form of very deliberate planning."
I paused.
"I need your help." I said.
She stopped cleaning herself up and looked at me, her face softening. It was either that or she had bad gas.
"My help? What do you need my help for?" she asked.
"Well, right now you're the only person I've got that has a slight connection to whoever is doing this to me. Maybe its Bucky, maybe an old client, maybe you or maybe even the Borg. They go after everybody. But whoever it is, you could help me get to them." I tried my best Gregory Peck look, "Couldn't you?" (slight eye flutter).
She just stared at me for a minute. Then another minute. Her mouth curled into a very slight smile.
"You should treat me with a little more respect, someday, It's gonna be my tax dollars paying for your prison cell!"
I returned the smile. She went back to her foot-face.
"Just remember: Min igelkot e inte dum." she blurted and picked up the desk chair and sat down in it.
"Ahhh, right!?" I said.

I had a few hours before the meeting at the Brown Willie and I wanted to be prepared. Dixie had the guns but what else would I need? Pepperspray? The phone number to 911? A paperclip? McGyver I wasn't.
"So, you were married before?" Dixie asked.
I looked at the ceiling.
"My wife was the last of 5 Scottish sisters to marry, the confetti was filthy." I replied and grabbed the reciept with the names out of my pocket. What was the connection?
"I've never been married. But I would like to be." she said and poked at the horse food from the night before with a finger nail. The hummus let out a squeal.
I looked at the names on the piece of paper.
"Yeah, well, Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity." I said.
Dixie made the foot face again.
"What's the matter with you, you get up on the wrong side of the bottle this morning?" she asked.
"I don't know, you tell me."
As I looked at the names, I could feel that there was something there. But I couldn't put my finger on it.


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