Get Lucky!

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I should never have opened this, as I wanted to get to bed early. :lol:
I'm still catching my breath after laughing hard all the way through this thread, GOD it's GREAT, love it! :D

""Røv og nøgler!" she spat." ROTFLMAOAPIMP!
I'm trying. Lots of stuff going on. The writers here at BBC 61 went on strike wanting more money and a definate spot on the next "American Idol" AND "Britains Got Talent". One guy threatened to eat nothing but Brussel Sprouts until the demands were met. I'm kinda waiting to see what happens to him.
Can you make this one sticky Chris? It's a shame to lose it, with all your hardwork and it's always a good laugh to read once in a while....:lol:
Know what ya mean. I'll ask the other mods or better yet, maybe a poll? :)

I gotta finish it though. I have half the ending completed.

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