Girls and Aircraft - Volume II (2 Viewers)

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johnbr said:
Beautiful drawing, I admire the skill people have to draw other people. I can't draw people all that good though I am working on it.
I'd almost swear I saw this person before on model-mayhem (I listed myself as a photographer -- which is true -- I have taken pictures (admittedly not of fashion models, mostly of landscapes, skylines, friends and family members, but it didn't say *what* I photographed ), but the name doesn't appear to match...
Wonder Woman was brand new in 1941...
Col. Jeannie Leavitt - First F-15 female fighter pilot, now breaking another barrier as she is the first-ever female to lead Seymour Johnson Air Force Base's storied 4th Fighter Wing out of North Carolina.
View attachment 359142
I agree that she is an impressive role model for girls everywhere.
I think that might be a drag-queen...
Elsa Andersson: Sweden's flying farm-girlView attachment 360354
She also was a stunt parachutist -- actually, that's how she died. Her parachute appeared to have not deployed right and she went flying into the ground. From what I gathered, she was around 25 years of age.
What the hell is *THAT?*

v2 said:
She has a classic and elegant beauty to her
Honestly, even though she is quite attractive -- I have great respect for most combat helicopter pilots because of the enormous skill and guts required for the job.

Micdrow said:
I think this woman showed up in a documentary about the RAF's WAAF program in WWII...
This is actually a famous shot
Looking at those photos from the early - mid 20th century, the old gals used to have class. Modern days girls are full of tattoos and piercing!!! What the F@ck!
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