Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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Dude, you need one of these for your own personal use....

View attachment 528757
...and here's your pilot...

If I was rich, I would never buy one. As someone who used to quote out repairs and inspections on private business and charter aircraft, I can tell you, you won't be rich for long.

Better to charter, and not be responsible for the operating and maintenance costs.
Dude, you need one of these for your own personal use....

View attachment 528757
...and here's your pilot...

View attachment 528758

No, I need the bank account that goes with it! But if she's willing to drive me up to camp (with its king size memory foam Posturepedic!) in my Maule or my Beaver on amphib floats, all the better. Wait, is she a good shot? Guess we'll need the Beaver to haul the moose out.
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"Theres only one guaranteed way to make a small fortune in aviation... Start with a big one."
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