Girls and aircrafts

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To the people setting linkbacks to fetish sites please stop. That is not needed and is not allowed as well.

Keep your sexual desires out of this forum.
"Female Pilot" in other languages for search in web:
French : femme pilote
German : Pilotin
Spanish : mujer piloto
Portuguese : mulher piloto
chineese : 女飞行员
Japaneese : 女性パイロット
Korean : 여성 조종사
Russian : женщин экспериментальных
Turkish : kadın pilotu
Arabic: قائدة الطائرة
Norway :kvinnelige pilot
Denmark : kvindelige pilot
Dutch : vrouwelijke piloot
Persian : خلبان زن
Cz Republic: ... pilotka
Do you know "female pilot" in other languages like finnish ?
"Female Pilot" in other languages for search in web:
French : femme pilote
German : Pilotin
Spanish : mujer piloto
Portuguese : mulher piloto
chineese : 女飞行员
Japaneese : 女性パイロット
Korean : 여성 조종사
Russian : женщин экспериментальных
Turkish : kadın pilotu
Arabic: قائدة الطائرة
Norway :kvinnelige pilot
Denmark : kvindelige pilot
Dutch : vrouwelijke piloot
Persian : خلبان زن
Cz Republic: ... pilotka
Do you know "female pilot" in other languages like finnish ?

Seriously - do you have any other hobbies besides ogling at female aviators???
Thunderbabys in Poland....


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Allright I asked people to stop linking to fetish sites. I deleted the links and gave a warning. It was then done again.

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