Gliders Photos

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Yesterday was my lucky day. The weather was perfect so we went to see the well known Just Jane. We got lucky when they brought her out of the hanger for the first time this year and did the first engine tests of the year. It wasn't advertised so it was simply luck.

Small point. They have two rear fuselage and this is the spare so they can do taxi runs which is important to raise money. The 'proper' fuselage is being restored to full airworthiness standards.

Close up of the two inboard engines
One of the rear turret. Its interesting as its a twin 0.5 turret and you will notice that the centre Perspex panel is in place. On nearly all combat missions it was removed as the turret was big enough for the gunner could wear his parachute, so to bail out he simply dived out between the guns.

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