Gliders Photos

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Damned good effort for new kit, well done.
I'm presuming that the the Olympus is the digital camera ?
I used to use Olympus OM-1 and OM-2, 35mm film cameras, with various lenses and motor drive and, being fully trained in professional photography, I was able to use those beautiful, light pieces of superb engineering to their max - for the time.
I now use a couple of Nikon DSLRs, and, although, overall, a lot easier and, to an extent, perhaps more versatile, It's taken me over 11 years to get to grips with some of the few limitations, compared to the "manual" Olympus kit, where some functions were quicker and easier.
But hey, with digital, I can shoot hundreds, even thousands, more frames, with no film or processing costs,and no need to rapidly replace film, and probably get an 80 to 90% "success" rate, as opposed to being happy with maybe 10 to 20 good shots from a 36 exposure film.

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