Good Day, All!

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G'day John and welcome to the forum from way down under in Aussie land. Hope to see you join in with a model build sometime.
Thank you so much, My Friend. Stopped in your lovely country on a 48 hour layover on my way back to the states from Southeast Asia back in '71. I still have the "Aussie Hat" I bought as a souvenir, wearing my Continental Air Service Pilots wings.
I want to thank everyone for their kind words of welcome. You have made me feel at home and I am very grateful.
And another Hello from England.
Some points of interest
1. Bacon is the highest honour.
2. Careful if you ask for color pics for a model...
3. We are all friendly, some are how can I say "quirky" but I'm sure you'll fit in.
Thank you, My Friend, and greetings from the foggy and overcast Northern California Coast. As you know, yesterday was the longest day of the year and we celebrated it with cold, fog and mist! I will take what you have said to heart, especially the part about the bacon, of which I am a huge fan! I have no problem with "Quirky", either, as I have been considered as such by a variety of people over the years and women tell me it is the least of my faults! Have a great weekend, My Friend, and thank you for your kind words of welcome!

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