Great Lakes International Air Show

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
On Sunday June 30th I attended this air show which is held every second year at St Thomas Ontario. In the past it has always greatly benefitted from American participation so the effects of sequestration were harshly felt. It maintained its international name by bringing in the CAF Redtail P-51, the CAF B-17 Sentimental Journey and Sean D Tucker in the Oracle 3 Challenger. No air show is a bad experience I suppose but this year a " perfect storm" worked against this show, IMHO.

In addition to the south facing crowd line, uncertain weather I am sure kept away a number of visitors. Friday brought rain pretty much the whole day, Saturday dawned grey and wet although it cleared somewhat by show time and Sunday began as overcast and it broke slightly around 11:00 leaving a 50/50 overcast. The assembled aircraft, other than the above mentioned three consisted of a lot of local stuff and some RCAF participation....nothing new and exciting to those of us in southern Ontario who are regulars on the show circuit.

For your viewing pleasure.....

More later...



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