If flown correctly - yes. F-8s and F-4s used to go at it all the time in early top gun cl***es.
The F-5E is a harder target - it boils down to pilot skills and tactics...
Early in Vietnam, under similar training programs, the F-8s were having their way with the Migs while the F-4 were struggling to the point that Top Gun had to be formed. In fact, it seems that Top Gun was formed specifically train the F-4 pilots because of THEIR (both pilots and airplanes) poor performance. You would have to wonder if the F-4 had the inherent dogfighting characteristics of the F-8, would Top Gun have been needed? The answer, of course, is yes, just not as bad. Top Gun just makes loads of sense no matter how good you plane is. Even Randy Cunningham (a good stick but a lousey person) said the F-8 had an advantage until F-4 pilots were Top Gun trained. I still don't know if F-8 pilots went to Top Gun therefore equal in training (by that time they were being phased out). It would be interesting to hear from some Navy pilots that transistioned to F-4 from F-8s. I suspect they would perfer the F-8 if nothing more than it has only one ****pit for the ego.
My vote is for the F-15. In my opinion, no aircraft has controlled the wartime airspace as effortlessly as the F-15 has for the last 30 years. It has made its reputation with missiles and bullets flying. Most of the aircaft listed have not been tested in the realm for which they were designed.
Second is the F-86. While the Mig-15 was its equal in dogfighting, the F-86 was the better designed warfighter and like the P-51, could fly to the enemy and engage on equal terms over the enemys home base. And it is a great looking aircraft.
The F-4 will stand as one of the all time great aircraft due to its versatility and overall competence. I do think that correcting its shortcomings was the inspiration for aircaft such as the F-14, 15, 16, and 18. If it was 1960 to 1975 and you could only get one plane, it would be the F4. In spite of my opinion, the F-4 is one of my favorite aircraft. The first time I knew of it was in a Buz Sawyer comic strip. He was flying one over Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis when his nozzle failed open. I thought (and still do) it was a cool looking aircraft. A good friend of mine has his name on the F-4 at March Air Museum. He would agree with you whole heartedly.