Unter Gemeine Geschwader Murmeltier XIII
Inspired by the "Most overrated fighter of WW 2", I had just spent about 40 minutes trying to figure out the range of a mid 1943 P-47 to compare it to a mid 1943 P-39. It's tougher than I thought and I think I can't trust the Wiki numbers. I'm guessing it's some average or a cherry picked distance of a specific model I can't link to. I'm thinking that with the right date or models I could see for myself if the P-47 had a better combat radius than the Airacobra. Clean airframes, no tanks.
Am I the only one who has to scroll up to see just what thread I'm posting to as they all seem to be the Groundhog thread?
Am I the only one who has to scroll up to see just what thread I'm posting to as they all seem to be the Groundhog thread?