Greg Boeser
2nd Lieutenant
An eyewitness to Major Miller's demise reported that he appeared dead or unconscious as the plane flew in a gradual descending turn. The plane plunged into the water and was gone.Even if the guy does not know you are there, unless it is a zero deflection up the kazoo shot, judging angles will be a significant challenge. Even at only 300 mph, in one sec you move 440 ft, during which time you have managed to fire a mere two 37MM rounds, only four rounds in 880 ft. It will be all impossible to correct your fire against airborne targets. I suppose that if you charge up to a bomber formation and let fly with everything you've got you might hit something.
It's too bad we did not have fast firing 15MM cannon like the Germans did in the 109F, or that we never finished developing the .60 caliber machine gun.
I have read of but a few cases of a P-39 hitting anything with the 37MM. below is one:
View attachment 595272
Source: The Aleutian Warriors, Volume I, John Haile Cloe