*** GROUP BUILD #15 “Aircraft Carrier Planes ” – Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ***

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
*** GROUP BUILD #15 "Aircraft Carrier Planes " – Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ***

The judging and tallying of the votes for Group Build #15 has been finalised..

Without further delay, Here are the Winners for GB 15:

Category 1 Beginner / Novice / Casual CATEGORY.

We had 2 completed entries in this Section from Members.

1st Place in this Category goes to : Tama - Spherical : for his 1/72 F4U-7 Corsair
2nd Place in this Category goes to : Igor - Rogi for his A6M3 Zero

Category 2 Intermediate / Casual CATEGORY.

We had 13 completed entries in this section from Members

1st Place in this Category goes to : Vaughan for his 1/32 Wildcat
2nd Place in this Category goes to : Kevin - Kojo for his 1/48 Avenger
3rd Place in this Category goes to : Paul - Meatloaf109 for his 1/48 F8E Crusader

Category 3 Experienced / Expert CATEGORY.

We had only 1 member represented here.

1st Place in this Category goes to : Bill-N4521U for his SH-3a Helicopter

Would love to see some more of you Guys step up and keep Bill honest and give him a run for his money in the Experienced category, he is a lonely figure up there by himself at present, and after judging Category 2 there are some worthy modellers in this Group that could move up to the next Level.

So…CONGRATULATIONS to Tama, Vaughan and Bill and also to the second and Third place getters.

And a BIG Thankyou to all members who found the time to participate in this Build, finished or not.
Overall we had a pretty broad range of different models presented by our members and judging was by no means easy.
We appreciate the time and effort put in by all participants at the various levels, and the outstanding exchange of Information, Hints, Tips, Parts and Decals to those who required something to help their project.

Please continue to support the Group Builds in any way you can whether you build something or just enjoy watching others do their stuff!
We want this to be a friendly atmosphere and above all…..have FUN first and Foremost!

Thanks again goes out to…The Judging Panel for their time.
Congratulations to Tama, Vaughan and Bill and all prticipants of the GB. You make the judging process really difficult. But I'm very happy seeing a such great effect.

Well done , Mates. :cool:
Thanks also from me, I think the judges had a real hard time of it as everyones work was of a very high standard. There were some fantastic models and I feel honoured that I came first in my category this being my very first GB. Thanks again.
Well done to all who participated, helped, suggested, sent parts/decals/info, watched and enjoyed, and congratulations to Bill, Vaughan and Tama, and the Silver and Bronze gong getters!
Now please, some of you make some cr@p models - it might make judging just a teeny tad easier! (just kidding!)
Don't worry Vaughan, the little icons are sorted out by Wojtek (when he has time away from telling pilots how to not bump their aircraft into each other!), and will be posted under each participant's Signature Block in due course. And for Category Winners, and 2nd and 3rd place in each Category, as well as Member's Choice winner, the appropriate 'gong' or scroll is also attached.

Well done one and all and to Bill, Vaughan and Tam, hearty well done guys, you sure came up trumps with these builds. To our second and third winner, spot on guys, you're up there with the best as are all the participants. It was a great show with lots of diverse interests.

To all of you, thanks for taking part and for making our lives enjoyable and frigging difficult (judging) in a subject we all obviously love.


Well done all and keep them coming.
Congradulations to the winners ! :)

Tama, Vaughan, Bill :D

and to everyone else :D Congradulations :)

This build was lots of fun and I learned a lot about various aircraft that participated :)
Congradulations Tama,Vaughan,and Bill some really nice work guys.

And to the judges thank you.
Don't worry Vaughan, the little icons are sorted out by Wojtek (when he has time away from telling pilots how to not bump their aircraft into each other!), and will be posted under each participant's Signature Block in due course. And for Category Winners, and 2nd and 3rd place in each Category, as well as Member's Choice winner, the appropriate 'gong' or scroll is also attached.
I told my wife that I took third in my catagory. She asked what I got for that and I told her a "Bronze Gong". She must have misheard, as she hasn't stopped laughing yet.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated. I'm with Terry on the judging challenges and echo Wayne's thoughts about some of you considering bumping yourselves into the advanced category.
Man, what a surprise! I thought I was jumping in to a crowded category. I been shakin in me boots since I finished.

There were some great entries in this one. Tougher every time.
I've said it before, I'm only improving because of being a member of this forum and having such fine examples to follow, and such fine people who are willing to share!

Just Plane Bill
Congrats guys! The members choice was hard enough to vote on, there is just so much great talent here!

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