I have to agree with Bill there, Chris; you, and the other 'Mods' and Admin and Horse do an excellent job, in your own spare time, and we are all extremely grateful.
So, some great feedback so far, but let me just clarify something.
During a series of fairly lengthy e-mail discussions, Rusty put forward a number of points and ideas regarding the Rules and standards of the GBs, as well as some ideas for subject matter, planning of future GBs and so on, most of which you have now all read and commented on.
As there were so many, and varied, points raised, I felt it beyond the responsibility, or any assumed 'authority' of one single person (i.e. me!) to comment or make decisions on such a variety of topics, and suggested that perhaps Rusty should put his suggestions to the members of this forum.
In this, he has my full support, as I could see, or identify, certain points and suggestions that some members may agree with, or at least have some constructive comment to add, concerning these issues.
I'm happy to see that Rusty's suggestions have been received in good spirit, and that, rather than be 'shot down in flames', explanations, preferences, and alternative suggestions have been offered by the members.
Having noticed myself, over the last year or so, that it does seem to be the same few members entering GBs, I tended to perhaps agree, at least to an extent, with some of Rusty's views, particularly those regarding the possibility of perceived 'intimidation', or a perception, by some, that all of the Modelling Sections were becoming some type of 'Old Boys Club'. However, having done a brief survey of the GBs, Modelling Section forums, and the forum in general, I have realised that, as is the norm in such an organisation, such forums are, by their very nature, somewhat transitory, with members coming and going, some being very active in all things, some in specific topics, some going away due to other commitments and returning at random intervals and so on. Within the literally thousands of members, only a few hundred are active, and out of that number, a relatively small percentage are active on a very regular basis. It is, therefore, inevitable, that in the Modelling Section, and the GBs in particular, this transcience will also be present, especially when one considers that an individual might be full of enthusiasm for a particular subject when first mooted (perhaps by that individual), but, when the time comes, other things have got in the way, or a fresh subject has caught the attention, and the initial enthusiasm has had to be 'placed on a shelf for later', as it were. I know it's happened to me often, is happening at present regarding certain subjects, and no doubt will continue to happen at odd times in the future.
It appears that the general opinion of the members is that they like, prefer (or both), things as they are, concerning the planning, running and judging of the GBs, and I am happy to go along with the majority, just as I would be happy to accept any changes promulgated by the majority.
So, now that this part has been covered, I must point out that Rusty also identified one or two other points regarding the GB Rules and organisation, that I feel do warrant attention and / or clarification, and indeed I'd already identified the same subjects myself - available time, things outside the forum, and so on, having prevented me from following up on these so far.
It is these subjects that I will be putting to the other judges over the next day or so (when I have a clearer head and more energy, after, hopefully, getting at least a few hours of pain-free, uninterrupted sleep!) , and hopefully they can be addressed and amended or corrected fairly quickly, and the results posted for all to see.
Please note that none of this is of a particularly serious nature, being more concerned with a few small details within the Rules and any guidelines posted, and should not in any way alter of affect the participation or enjoyment of the members in the current, or future GBs.
Thank you all, and particularly Rusty, for taking the time to respond to this thread.
Cheers again,
Terry of the sunken eyes, palid skin and haggard appearance!