Grumman-Cats Photo Album

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 3, 2006
I thought I would start my own photo album here. All the pics in this album were taken by me with a canon AE-1 and a canon powershot digital. Some of these will be of my personal R/C aircraft and of the many airshows and museums that I have attended and plan to attend in the future. Feel free to comment and if you would like a copy of the photo we can work something out as far as getting a full resolution photo.
Thanks for lookin in and I hope you enjoy what you see. We need to support these classics as much as possible.
So to start all this out I thought I would give a couple of my R/C models.


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here's some somewhat blurry pictures. the originals are clear but I'm still struggling at reducing them for the forum.


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Thanks. I just wish I could figure out how to reduce these images so they were as clear as the originals. I'm really enjoying this website. I'm a really huge warbird fan. weather it be jets or props (preferably props), I enjoy them all.
here's a few more.


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thanks for the compliments and here's a few more.


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I do have alot more photo's so if anyone has any requests I will see what I can do. I haven't even started on my bomber album or jets or showteams. I also have made a DVD of the thunder over michigan. If anyone is interested you can send me a pm and we'll discuss it.
more from the gathering of corsairs and thunder over Michigan.


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Thanks for all the kind words guys. Every year I go to see as many of these classics as I can. You just don't know when people won't be able to fly them anymore (hopefully that will never happen). I try to get as many as I can under the lense. That Job is coming along slowly, You west coasters just don't seem to want to fly your planes all the way over here to michigan just for me. You need to keep working on that.

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