Hamilton Air Show 2012

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A couple months ago I went to the Hamilton Air Show. I did what Andy did last year and bought a Early Bird photo pass so I could get some photos without a ton of people around. It was cool because Fifi was there, which is one plane I had never seen before. I think after this show the only real major/common aircraft I haven't seen flying are the P-47 and F6F. Unfortunately shortly before the show the B-24 that was supposed to appear had a nose gear failure, and for reasons unknown to me a Flugwerk 190 also dropped out. That said, all in all it was a fantastic show. Before I start, I will be posting some detail photos that may not interest everyone, but some of the modelers may like to see them.

We'll start the photos off with an Avenger. One enormous beast. I had seen one of these before, in Wetaskiwin near me, but it didn't fly. It flew alongside the Helldiver, and it was funny watching them because it looked the the Avenger could barely get itself off the ground. This is a TBM-3 I believe, which makes the marking incorrect.

To round out the US Naval aircraft, here's the Corsair. I've seen this bird 4 separate times now, but never get tired of it! They need to replace one of the decals on the fuselage it seems. It's funny when you see this next to the Avenger and Helldiver. It's a big plane, but next to the other two (and of course all of the bombers) it seems somewhat small.

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The B-29. You've got to take advantage of the opportunity to get photos of such a rare one. I had seen one in Washington, but it's kind of up on stilts so it's hard to get good closeups.

One with my brother for perspective (5'10")

Here's the B-17 that was there. Apparently I got a lot of photos of this one, lower to the ground than the B-29. That fact made it look rather small compared to the Lanc and B-29, as it was between them. I could have gone through it, but by the time they opened it up, the lineup was such that I could have missed some of the flight displays, so I didn't. Regretted it, but there's a B-17 in town right now and I went through it today, so I got lucky.

Some of the Firefly. As I upload them, I realized that there are some more of some of the aircraft I've already posted as I jumped around to grab photos as crowds around particular aircraft died down or moved on.

Karl, and thanks Andy.

Here are some more of the Helldiver. They had opened up the turret so you could see inside at this point.

They guy in this photo was a pest and continually got in the way with no regard to anyone else. Luckily there were few of those people.

One more of the Avenger after they had taken the cover off, but not a great shot as it's VERY high up.

Some of one of the Mustangs. They seemed to be having some issues with it, but apparently it wasn't too serious as it later flew.


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