The Star of Africa (Alternative title: Hauptmann Marseille) is a German war film, which was staged by Alfred Weidenmann as a black-and-white film and biographical stages of life of the German fighter pilot Hans-Joachim "Jochen" Marseille and its uses in the Second World War on the subject. The film premiered on August 13, 1957 in Berlin.
The feature film was very successful in the cinemas, although the film reviews were predominantly restrained. For some of the actors, including Joachim Hansen, Hansjörg Felmy and Horst Frank, this film was the breakthrough to a successful acting career.
The feature film was very successful in the cinemas, although the film reviews were predominantly restrained. For some of the actors, including Joachim Hansen, Hansjörg Felmy and Horst Frank, this film was the breakthrough to a successful acting career.