Hans Ulrich Rudel, Tank Destroyer...

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I know.
I simply not believe in "519+ Tanks, 800+ other Military Vehicles, 150+ Gun Emplacements, 4 Armored Trains, 70 Landing Craft, 1 Battleship (the 'Marat'), 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, and (while flying a FW190) managed to shoot down 11 enemy planes as well..."

Yes, Rudel was very brave pilot. Yes, he really sink "Marat". It`s fact.
I belive, what he destroy russian tanks - it was his work.
But, when somebody tell me what he destroy 519+ Tanks.... It`s... No comments. Because, when i read his memories...

In some moments i don`t believe what he was pilot...
Vegafox said:
He found that the best way to knock out tanks was to hit them in the back (T-34's rear mounted engine and its cooling system did not permit the installation of heavier armor plating) or the side....


In scale...
Any question?

The 100k Rubles was a fact.. I have ssen Russian propoganda posters stating this fact...


Show me, please...

p.s. All tank`s casualties of Red Army from enemy aviation in 1941-1945 ~ 3.500 tank`s and SU`s...

See the photo and comment, Vega...


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Comment: crash... Bum-bah-ba-bah...
speed (in dive) Ju-87 ~ 420 km\h
Pilot begin going out from dive on 500, phisically strong may ~ 400 meters...
On your picture ~ 20-25 m.
The planes would come down at something like a 45 degree angle, at around 300km/h...

Besides, the Stukas had auto pullout once the bomb was released, saving the pilot if he blacked out...
Although I believe something different from some, heres a different twist.... While some like our pals Erich and Vegaboy doubt the 519 tanks, I myself could believe his #'s could have been even HIGHER.... Rudel wasnt the type of guy to fly a sortie and claim every tank he shot at a kill.. He would have assed and his back seater would have as well....

Some of the tanks that he deemed were not kills, may have been.... A damaged tank sometimes would not be removed and/or salvaged due to front lines changing.... Some damaged tanks that were not kills ended up being such....

I understand the proganda portion of what is said of Rudels #'s, but think about it... There werent that many -87 Tank Busters left at the end of that show, and Rudel was a hell of a pilot.. And his closet competitor was some 300 tanks behind him... Look at all the chances (Russian Tanks) Rudel had......

Another way to look at it is how many 37mm shells he fired.....

He flew more than 600,000 km and used more than 5,000,000 liters of fuel... He dropped over 1,000,000 kg of bombs, fired over 1,000,000 machine gun rounds, over 150,000 20mm rounds and over 5,000 37mm rounds...

In early March of 1944, he flew his 1500th mission and was promoted to the rank of Major... In late March, during a mission, Rudel's squadron was attacked by a squadron of Soviet Lavochkin La-5 fighters.... One Stuka was shot down and crash landed with its crew unharmed... Rudel decided to land and rescue his comrades stuck in the enemy territory...... He landed and rescued his friends but could not take off because of the soft ground..... They were forced to escape on foot towards German lines being chased by the Russians...... Rudel and his comrades reached the river Dniestr and swam 600m in the ice cold water and just before reaching the other side, Rudel's rear gunner drowned.... Eventually, the wounded Rudel was the only one who managed to escape and reached German lines.... He then returned to his unit, where he was cheerfully welcomed by his comrades.... On March 29th of 1944, for his bravery, Major Hans-Ulrich Rudel was awarded Diamonds to his Knights Cross with Oakleaves and Swords, the highest German military award.....

Thats no BS.... No propoganda there... He earned those Diamonds.... The guy was a hero.. And a hell of a Tank Buster... #'s aside, this guy really was a pro.... Too bad he wasnt Russian or British or American....

Imagine what he coulda done to German formations in a IL2/M3.......

Especially this
A.D. And did you install 37mm guns?

We had 37mm guns, 40 shells per gun. I didn't fly one of those. They didn't work out.

Why? Why "they didn`t work out"?

LaGG-3 IT (37mm) hit at tank 3 shells of 35 (simple - hit in tank, not in his back)
IL-2 - 3 shells of 55...

G.M. Ryabushko (HSU, 828 GShAP)
(It`s my translate, from http://www.airforce.ru/history/ww2/ryabushko/index.htm

" VYa (37mm) was more powerful gun than ShVAK. In our regiment was several (in REGIMENT) event, when VYa knocked out german tank`s - powerfuf gun. Burn tank - not simply, therefore that causes was rare. You need, that you hit in tank - AP shell (every third in ribbon), and you need hit tank in back and with angle 45-90 grad." (it`s time to learn English...) :rolleyes:
actually there were many panzerstaffel aces. SG 1, 2, 3 and 77 each had a 10.(Pz) staffel equipped with the G variant, Rudel being the top scorer. I personally beleived becasue of his noteriety as a propaganda tool that many of his kills were done by other men of his staffel. This appears correct as night fighter ace Kurt Welter is given the proposed claim of 29 mosquitos knocked down and even in the so-called offical claims listing he is egioven bountiful credit flying the single seat 262 at night. Reality is another story as the man flew seldom from February 45 onward doing administrative work and incorporating new pilots in the skills they would need to fly the 262 at night. Welter was a propaganda tool extrodinaire, even a myth surrounds his Bronze Ritterkreuz decorated to him.

Reagrdless the trueness covering these two mens lives will never be known..........
What I find kind of curious is the fact only German aces are subjected to these processes of doubt and scrutiny.

I seriously doubt ALL (100%) the Me262 claims made by USAAF fighter pilots in clean dogfights, just as there are cases of such claims.

I have guncamera footage of USAAF fighters hitting the Me262; all the shots have one thing in common: the Schwalbe with the tricycle landing gear down, in the process of landing; in some of the shots you can even see the paved runway and even cars in the background.

Ivan Kozhedub was as well, a very powerful propaganda tool of the USSR, and so far, I have never known of any historians suggesting his total bag might have been inflated.
Hello cutties:

I acquired my guncamera footage collection in Mother Russia in 1999.

Perhaps I can do it, the question is: how do I do that if I have it all on CD?
Make fun on me if you want, but I am not that "hi-tech" in the music/video editing business.

A few weks ago I had some file zipped showing dozens of shots where IL-2 Shturmoviks are getting shot to smithereens by German fighters guncamera, but it got screwed...hell, do not know how that happened.
The German guncamera footage showed me on how over-inflated the Il-2 is.

If the massive boxes of heavy bombers of the 8th and 15th Air Force (all those hundreds of .50 cal machine guns included) were very vulnerable against the German fighters, try to imagine the fate of formations of several dozens of Il-2´s fitted with one rear defensive gun.
I have said this before, and shall repeat it again.. Although heavily armored, more so for AA fire than a fighters cannons, the Il2's were easy prey for a verteran Luftwaffe ace, as most of the kill totals of the leading German aces will testify....

Here are the last 67 victories that Otto Kittel Had on the Eastern Front....

200 26.8.1944 13:54 La-5 3./JG 54 LH-4.4: at 150m
201 27.8.1944 13:06 Il-2 3./JG 54 LF-9.7: at 2.000m
202 28.8.1944 11:24 Yak-9 3./JG 54 JM-5.8: at 3.000m
203 28.8.1944 11:26 Yak-9 3./JG 54 JM-6.2: at 3.000m
204 28.8.1944 11:27 Yak-9 3./JG 54 JM-3.7: at 1.800m
205 31.8.1944 17:46 Il-2 2./JG 54 KG-3.2: at 700m [W Mitau]
206 31.8.1944 17:47 Il-2 2./JG 54 KG-3.4: at 600m [W Mitau]
207 31.8.1944 17:49 Il-2 2./JG 54 KG-6.3: at 500m [W Mitau]
208 14.9.1944 10:40 Yak-9 2./JG 54 68 124: at 1.600m
209 14.9.1944 10:53 Yak-9 2./JG 54 68 156: at 1.200m
210 14.9.1944 14:50 Il-2 2./JG 54 57 251: at 500m
211 14.9.1944 14:51 Il-2 2./JG 54 57 254: at 500m
212 14.9.1944 14:52 Il-2 2./JG 54 57 258: at 300m
213 14.9.1944 14:54 Il-2 2./JG 54 57 253: at 800m
214 15.9.1944 15:39 Il-2 2./JG 54 47 377: at 400m
215 15.9.1944 15:40 Il-2 2./JG 54 37 495: at 200m
216 16.9.1944 17:12 Il-2 2./JG 54 47 518: at 200m
217 17.9.1944 8:39 Pe-2 2./JG 54 47 383: at 2.500m
218 17.9.1944 8:40 P-39 2./JG 54 47 389: at 1.800m
219 17.9.1944 8:41 Pe-2 2./JG 54 47 522: at 1.500m
220 20.9.1944 11:10 Yak-9 2./JG 54 47 324: at 1.500m
221 20.9.1944 11:12 Yak-9 2./JG 54 47 327: at 600m
222 22.9.1944 10:15 La-5 2./JG 54 47 323: at 3.200m
223 28.9.1944 11:30 Pe-2 2./JG 54 47 264: at 1.800m
224 28.9.1944 11:30 Pe-2 2./JG 54 47 291: at 1.800m
225 28.9.1944 11:37 Pe-2 2./JG 54 57 181: at 1.800m
226 28.9.1944 11:38 Yak-9 2./JG 54 57 184: at 1.200m
227 30.9.1944 11:35 Yak-9 2./JG 54 57 174: at 1.200m
228 30.9.1944 11:36 Il-2 2./JG 54 47 268: at 1.200m
229 30.9.1944 11:38 Il-2 2./JG 54 57 154: at 150m
230 7.10.1944 15:10 Yak-9 2./JG 54 48 697: at 1.200m
231 9.10.1944 8:55 Il-2 2./JG 54 48 782: at 300m
232 9.10.1944 8:56 Il-2 2./JG 54 48 765: at 200m
233 9.10.1944 8:58 Il-2 2./JG 54 48 789: at 50m
234 9.10.1944 13:02 Il-2 2./JG 54 47 241: at 800m
235 9.10.1944 13:04 Il-2 2./JG 54 47 271: at 200m
236 10.10.1944 9:11 La-5 2./JG 54 47 139: at 400m
237 10.10.1944 9:12 Il-2 2./JG 54 47 131: at 100m
238 10.10.1944 9:12 Il-2 2./JG 54 47 131: at 100m
239 14.10.1944 11:02 La-5 2./JG 54 16 832: at 3.200m
240 16.10.1944 11:02 Il-2 2./JG 54 37 345: at 200m
241 16.10.1944 11:04 La-5 2./JG 54 37 329: at 1.200m
242 16.10.1944 14:26 Il-2 2./JG 54 37 343: at 600m
243 16.10.1944 14:28 Il-2 2./JG 54 37 388: at 200m
244 17.10.1944 13:17 La-5 2./JG 54 37 554
245 18.10.1944 13:36 Il-2 2./JG 54 27 582: at 700m
246 18.10.1944 13:37 Il-2 2./JG 54 27 554: at 700m
247 22.10.1944 15:50 Yak-3 2./JG 54 17 646: at 2.000m
248 27.10.1944 9:50 Yak-9 2./JG 54 27 647: at 3.500m
249 27.10.1944 9:51 Yak-9 2./JG 54 27 565: at 3.500m
250 27.10.1944 9:57 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 625: at 3.000m
251 27.10.1944 11:48 Pe-2 2./JG 54 17 485: at 2.500m
252 27.10.1944 11:50 Pe-2 2./JG 54 27 543: at 1.000m
253 27.10.1944 13:24 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 574
254 27.10.1944 13:32 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 651: at 600m
255 29.10.1944 9:42 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 488: at 10m
256 29.10.1944 9:45 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 491: at 15m
257 29.10.1944 11:57 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 624: at 500m
258 29.10.1944 12:09 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 497: at 700m
259 29.10.1944 12:10 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 623: at 600m
260 29.10.1944 12:11 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 628: at 600m
261 30.10.1944 13:22 Il-2 2./JG 54 27 541: at 1.000m
262 30.10.1944 13:52 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 489: at 600m
263 30.10.1944 15:26 Il-2 2./JG 54 17 622: at 900m
264 19.11.1944 11:40 La-5 2./JG 54 29 754
265 1945 - E/a 2./JG 54 -
266 1945 - E/a 2./JG 54 -
267 14.2.1945 - Il-2 2./JG 54 Dzukste

Easy pickings..... Guaranteed, the Il-2/M3 had different tank-busting battlefield tactics than the Ju-87G.... But the loss rate for those Ju-87G's was ALOT lower than the loss rate for those armored Il-2's...

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