And so today went in to the museum. Cleaned up and moved the cabinet in place and got all the models in place. Still needs glass for the second shelf and will have to see when I can get them.
I found out the bloke who made most of the 1/72nd stuff was a retired RAAF Sgt. He had made one of every type of RAAF aircraft, plus these. The others were donated to another museum and the balance came here by his widow. I have to make something up for him as well.
The big propeller is on a hand made round engine, the particulars are kinda sketchy. The cylinder heads rotate with the prop. He madethe prop as well. It actually ran before it was donated to the museum. I have to find out about it and make a small information sheet for it.
Now that I have these cases sorted, it will be time soon to put the word out locally for some donations of Aussie marked airplanes that saw service. I want to have a case of "stories". Built kinda like our GB's with a personal story behind the plane.
Of interest;
Found out the G model Tracker is owned by one of the volunteers. He wants to get it back to Taxi condition. Got a couple of serviceable round engines, but no papers, so flying on them is not possible. It used to be a USN aircraft and flew off the Kittyhawk at one time before coming to the RAAF. I have about 30 photos I took today, but cannot find the thread on the Tracker build to post some Thumbnails.
Talking to a lot of the volunteers today, there are a lot of old model builders at HARS. Couldn't believe the number of guys that are happy someone is finally taking care of the exhibiting of the models.
I shot a couple of pics of the Saber!
One of the 72nd DC-3's needs props, anyone got two extra?
Or, what other plane used the same prop? I'll get an after market set.
"That is all"