I kept looking at the engine plug photos and tried to figure out what was bothering me. I finally settled on the observation that there were two many thick wires. I wanted to tone down the plumbing so I removed one of the thicker wire components and decided to replace it with thinner wires. Since I knew where it was going to go and how it was going to be positioned, it was easy to fashion another one.
The three-wire assembly was painted black to further de-emphasize it. After painting, it was gently guided into place and secured with CA glue.
I decided to salvage the removed piece and place it on the other side. It's further back into the engine plug so it doesn't stand out as much. Okay... I think the engine plug is done.
I started to draw the rivet lines on the wing bottom but kept messing up. As evening was turning into night, I figured I best attack this when I'm fresh instead of tired from work. I rubbed off the pencil marks and put the wing away for later. With the engine plug done, I could work towards getting the fuselage sides glued together. First, I glued the painted tail wheel assembly into starboard tail side.
A quick check to make sure the tail wheel is correctly positioned and aligned.
The last Dora I built came back with the tail broken off during shipping and I wanted to make sure that this joint was strong this time. According to the instructions, the separate tail assembly is supposed to attached after the fuselage sides have been glued together. Based on how the parts connect, it was hard to get a good glue connection if you follow this order so I decided to change it up.
I'm going to glue the right tail into the right fuselage half and then the left tail into the left fuselage half. You can see there are gaps in the two walls that accept the plug from the tail. I used good ole Testors tube glue on the gaps to serve as an anchor.
Once tail was positioned in place, I used Tamiya Extra Thin cement on the exterior joint. The two parts were pushed together to eliminate any gaps. A little too much Extra Thin here caused some glue goo to get pushed out from the joint. I'll let that fully cure before I clean the joint.
I avoided the excess glue problem on the port side so cleanup will be easier on that one.