Hasegawa 1/72 Fw190-D9

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Right, A4K, there were two more MG s on the wings. D11 was armed with them as far I can remember, so I cut them away.

Yep, you're right, though there is also the tricky nose conversion to consider if modelling a D-11 (or D-13) from a D-9. The Ta 152 type intake and prop can be aquired, but the subtle cowl bulges are a bit more time consuming to create!
Not quite right, but it's a finish anyway.

Tip for dummies like myself: Don't leave your models in the open, even for a short break. You won't know how short that would be and all the dust will stick to your aircraft. And by this 'open', I mean in a room.


My new build is a wwi plane, so i might be away for some time.

Later days.
I agree. A little time with a mild soap and water followed by a thorough drying might have solved your dust issue.

Like Geo, I like the late war colours and plan to do more myself, starting with my current D-9 project.
Looks pretty good to me too.
I agree about the dust! I'm currently in the process of cleaning a number of models which have been on display on open shelves for some time. When that's done, they have a nice new home, having taken the plunge and bought a smart, glass display cabinet especially for them!

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