Hawker Hurricane sub collection - current project

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many thanks for your comments guys. I really appreciate them.

Dirk, drop me a PM with your email address and I will send you what we have.

Kind regards
And what in the hell is this rocket armament??

No offense, just wondering. But if the length weren't appropriate I would say it looks like a 1/48th rocket on your 1/72nd kit. That is a HUGE rocket.


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What the hell are the "reverse spoiler/airbrake" thingies on the leading edge of the wings?

The "reverse spoiler/airbrake" were added in order to avoid that this Hurricane fly.

No offense, just wondering. But if the length weren't appropriate I would say it looks like a 1/48th rocket on your 1/72nd kit. That is a HUGE rocket.

Don't worry. The length of these rockets is ok. This Hurricane was used to tested doble rockets with a single head of (250lbs).
Source "The secret years, Flight Testing at Boscombe Down 1939 - 1945" Tim Manson - Hikoki Publication

Kind regards
Many thanks guys for your comments.

My father has just finished another batch of Hurricane. Here are the photos. I hope you like it.

90) Hurricane Mk IV FJ-B / KX540 - 164 Squadron "Argentine British" - Manston - September 1943 - Anglo Argentine Pilot Flg Off Ronald Sheward
This Hurricane, Sheward's personal, was used in occasional attacks to German coastal navigation and German ground targets during 1943. The KX540 participated in the famous mission to the Dutch Channel of Hansweert, from which he could return unharmed. Reference: "Wings of Thunder" - Claudio Meunier.

91) Hurricane Mk IIB C / AP894 - 135 Sqn – Yelahanka, India (East Bengal) – March/May 1943. Thanks to Nick Millman for the references.

92) Hurricane Mk IV KZ706 A&AEE Boscombe Down – 1944/45

93) Hurricane Mk IV O / LD975 – 351 Sqn Yugoslav – Prkos Yugoslavia – May 1945

94) Hurricane Mk IV C / KZ188– 6 Sqn – Prkos Yugoslavia – April/May 1945

I have decided to include the Hurricane Mk IV KX877 in this project. (107 models in total).

The next batch will include the following aircrafts:

95) Hurricane Mk IV KX877 - Yorkshire - July 1943
96) Sea Hurricane Mk IB W9219 880 Sqn
97) Sea Hurricane Mk IB Y1-C V7438 759 Sqn RNAS Yeovilton August 1942
98) Sea Hurricane Mk IB G Z4550 800 Sqn HMS Indomitable August 1942
99) Sea Hurricane Mk IC V6741

Here is a photo showing all the Hurricane done so far. (94+twin Hurricane + Hurricat). 8 out of the 94 are waiting for the special decals.

Thanks for your comments guys.

My father has finished these models. This is the last Hurricane and we have started with the Sea Hurricane.

95) Hurricane Mk IV KX877 - Airbone Forces Experimental Establishment - Yorkshire - July 1943

96) Sea Hurricane Mk IB W9219 880 Sqn
Thanks to Ian Gazeley for the information.

97) Sea Hurricane Mk IB Y1-C V7438 759 Sqn RNAS Yeovilton August 1942
Thanks to Ian Gazeley for the information.

98) Sea Hurricane Mk XIIA BV-T BW850 126 Sqn Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada 1942
Thanks to Norman Malayney, R.W.R.Walker and Jim Bates.

99) Sea Hurricane Mk IC V6741

These are the selected Sea Hurricane for the next batch.

100) Sea Hurricane Mk IIC K1-F NF728 - 768 Sqn Inskyp December 1944
101) Sea Hurricane Mk IIC 7 O NF688 835 Sqn HMS Nairana August 1944
102) Sea Hurricane Mk IIC 7 T NF700 835 Sqn HMS Nairana August 1944


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