Hawker Seafury

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Senior Airman
Dec 9, 2008
As promised some pics of the hobbycraft Seafury
seafury 1.jpg

seafury 2.jpg

seafury 3.jpg

seafury 4.jpg

seafury 5.jpg

seafury 6.jpg

seafury 7.jpg

seafury 8.jpg

seafury 9.jpg

As you can see its a fairly basic kit it needs detail in the wheel wells but overall the shape looks ok .BB
Looking very nice though.:D

However the thread should have been merged with the What's on The Workbench one. Or put into Start to Finish sub-section.
Yes sorry about that wurger was,nt thinking mate.BB the canopy is an after market one as the one in the kit slants to far back at the front.
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Actually no its very easy just a case of cutting it out and carefully trimming and sanding till it sat right on the fuselage .Oh yes its actually an typhoon canopy made by squadron.BB
Looks like a scaled-up version of their 1/48th scale kit, basic, but quite nicely moulded, with a lot of potential for scratch-built detailing. Nice! Thanks BB.
Thanks terry i will post more pics as i progress with it.BB
:):)Here,s some progress pics of the fury fully masked and greyed up.BBps excuse the moteled look but the paint is still wet


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Bugger had to re mask the fury as the HUMBROL gray dried up to dark .I have now sprayed it again and it looks alot better in extra dark sea gray more pics to follow.BB
Here she is a little further on and resprayed the correct shade of gray and the bear metal exhaust panel done with alclad paints




They are not a bad kit Terry just a couple of after market bits and you have a good model thats pretty cheap to get hold of.Ps wait till you see her in some markings she,s looking good.BB

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