HD TV Debacle

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Ok, need some help with this.

I don't have cable. I refuse to contribute to a monopoly that keeps increasing rates and decreasing service. So I'm a rabbit-ear expert. :lol:

The other day I got a used TV for my daughter's room but I needed an antenna. Went to the local Target store to find one. When I couldn't, I asked an employee where they were. He showed me and proceeded to tell me that within a year they would obsolete and non-funtional.

Now I know Congress a year or two ago passed a law changing TV to HD but what I was told by that employee was that it would render the rabbit-ears ineffective and for anyone to get any TV channels they would have to subscribe to a cable channel or Satellite dish or FiOs type service - at extra cost.

Is this true? I know they were changing the TV types but wasn't aware that it involved taking away analog reception! How can they do this?
It is 100% true that HD is coming - like it or not. It is also true that stations will be forced to broadcast in HD. That does not mean that your local station will necessarily discontinue broadcasting in SD (Standard Definition). many stations will provide duel broadcasts...

Check with your local TV stations.. I'm sure the will have info on their web site.

ABC.com - HDTV FAQ's

Thanks Comiso. I was aware of the HD changes just not the ramifications. Well, my DVD player is gonna get a work out then.
That doesn't mean they're going to stop SD broadcasts.... you may be OK

Like I said:
That does not mean that your local station will necessarily discontinue broadcasting in SD (Standard Definition). many stations will provide duel broadcasts...

Check with your local TV stations.. I'm sure the will have info on their web site
I understand. But you know in time, SD will go the way of Beta cassettes. It just seems alittle off the wall for Congress to mandate this stuff and have the companies charge us for what was once free. Like air at gas stations.

So I need to:

1. Throw out my TV and get one that is HD compatable. $$$$
2. Throw out my antenna and get a tuner. $$$$
3. Throw out my antenna and get cable. $$$$
4. Do a SDTV dance around a burning Philips set and pray my local stations continue to broadcast in SD.
5. Take up oragami.
If your freaking now wait till you have to dump a cnote on an HDMI cable so that you can take advantage of the HDTV, oh and another HDMI for your DVD player, oh yeah forgot fiber optic cables too. And a Monster Cable AC stabilizer/protector for atleast 500.00 big ones. Plus almost 100.00 for Comcast programming which those sobs don't even tell you how to configure the damn thing when you pick it up.:evil:
Eventually... it could be 10 years before they stop broadcasting SD entirely.. by that time, your TV will have to be replaced anyway

I bought a 52 inch HDTV 6 years ago for $4000 and I didnt have any HD!.. but it was worth every penny because it has an awesome digital picture.

Now you can buy similar TVs for $1,300!

Such is technology!

Before there was HDTV (not to confuse but there are several different kinds of HDTV), there were basically 3 systems world wide:


The U.S. and some other counties use NTSC which is the first and the absolute WORST!

The French have a much better signal than we do! It's been 50 years, it's time for a upgrade.

hold on to your TV, make sure your local stations will broadcast in SD ( i'm sure they will) and when your TV breaks... upgrade to HD... it probably wont cost anymore money

INVEST IN "E-WASTE"!!!! :lol:
If your freaking now wait till you have to dump a cnote on an HDMI cable so that you can take advantage of the HDTV, oh and another HDMI for your DVD player, oh yeah forgot fiber optic cables too. And a Monster Cable AC stabilizer/protector for atleast 500.00 big ones. Plus almost 100.00 for Comcast programming which those sobs don't even tell you how to configure the damn thing when you pick it up.:evil:

I've never seen a system that REQUIRES HDMI or a optical cable... or monster cable because they don't exist!

Sure those things cost more money but you have options:
All systems have alternative input and outputs
Composite Video
RCA audio
BnC Digital Audio

You can use any of the options and get a perfectly fine picture and audio .. for pennies! Cheaper cables often come free. If you are frustrated, you are choosing to spend that money needlessly... Do research, shop around, buy on-line.

If you dont want the fancy cables... don't buy them! :|

If you are paying $500, then my friend.... it's out of misinformation. Sounds like a seventeen year old on commission got a hold of you!!!! Or you are buying at Radio Shack, Sears or Best Buy..

I just bought a HDMI package at Costco for cheap!

1. You dont have to buy the expensive cables
2. If you choose to (you should they are worth it) buy on-line!

A 15 second search produced this HDMI Cable for $13.00..
HDMI Cable 6ft

C-Note! Dude, research!

As far as your comment on Comcast goes.... I agree! It will get worse as they providers consolidate!

There are companies right now creating converter boxes to got from the HD to your standard TV. Word is that there will be a government voucher program to make them affordable as well.

I read an article about it a while back. Let me see if I can find it.
I've had HD for 3 years now and its worth it, the first year i was disappointed with the quality of HD but it was my stupidity as I never used the proper cable (DVI) that came with the unit :oops:
Is this true? I know they were changing the TV types but wasn't aware that it involved taking away analog reception! How can they do this?

Over here the plan is to remove the analogue signal by around 2020, however we will still be using antennas in country areas to receive digital signals. Major cities will be using cable. You can buy a 'set-top-box' (around $A100) and watch HDTV on an analogue television, however superior viewing can be seen on LCD.

One 'rumour' is that when they broadcast only digital signals they will be able to encode it to prevent recording of programs-so the viewer must endure the commercials to see the entire program. Any thoughts on this Comiso?
Maybe it's just me - but I am completely disinterested in HDTV. What the hell do I care if the NY of the giants' helmets comes in a little clearer.

I have several TVs, they all work, and I have no intention of pouring money into a several thousand dollar TV when I will get 0 benefit out of it.

There are many guys out there that absolutely love it, however. I read that HDTVs have one of the highest product return rates of consumer electronics due to peoples' disappointment with the product and HD service.
I'm with you entirely, Mkloby. I may go alittle further without the cable and I have nothing against HD but I can't stand when it appears I'm being force-fed something while my pockets are robbed.

Oh for the days of coat-hangers and tin-foil. :(
The U.K is abandoning analogue as of 2012 or 2020 - I can't remember; only 8 years difference. But we have the same set-top boxes that receive in digital and we pick it up through our aerial. We've already got one in my house, very cheap (approx. £30.) so no ones complaining.

The only thing we get ripped off with here is the TV license ... £145 a year to own a T.V. - simply because BBC needs paying for ... by us...with T.V. tax...so the BBC is government supported .... it's NOT bias, honest.
I never understood the TV tax over there anyway. I never paid it in my three years over there, but when I lived off-base, I never watched it anyway.

Njaco, we dumped our cable provider and went with Dish network. The service and picture quality are better and it is a bit cheaper. If I was single, I wouldn't have bothered, but the wife and kids watch it a lot.
The T.V. license [tax] pays for the BBC. You probably didn't pay for it because the USAF would have; or maybe didn't have to - I don't know.
Maybe it's just me - but I am completely disinterested in HDTV. What the hell do I care if the NY of the giants' helmets comes in a little clearer.

I have several TVs, they all work, and I have no intention of pouring money into a several thousand dollar TV when I will get 0 benefit out of it.

You probably know but just for definition sake, it's not just about clarity, its about aspect ratio too. In SD, movies are cropped to fit on your TV. In HD the true size is shown.

There is a good chance that by the time they stop broadcasting SD, you'll be ready for a new TV anyway. prices have dropped dramatically and will continue to do so!


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