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Senior Master Sergeant
Jun 15, 2005
Deep in suburban Surrey
Test of H-1 of KG1 - V4+LU - 1940

Items to be resolved:

Camo - This is standard as far as I can make out from the photo, but it seems almost like a 'single colour' top coat, so not to sure on this...

Gondola - this is correct for this actual aircraft, with no forward firing machine gun

Exhausts - changed from individual pipes to a single pipe - still some doubt in my mind if all H-1s were like this...

Lettering - assumed that the 'L' was red....

Any other mistakes - I'm sure will be spotted by you guys, so fire away!


  • He111H1_Germany_KG1_1.png
    34 KB · Views: 1,105
Last edited:
Thanks for that - I picked up on some things, and have done a few tweaks:

Added missing pitot probe.
Added top 'bulge' on engine (intake?)
Rivets/fasteners to nose, wing root, and tails
Redrawn exhaust/bracket, altered engine panel lines
Changed all guns to MG-15 - this makes sense for an early model He-111

Mostly happy with this now, time to move on... :)


  • He111H1_Germany_KG1_1.png
    34.8 KB · Views: 3,186
Looks like a 2-tone scheme on the top to me. But I'm no expert.
Many thanks to all :)

Quick update - 3 in total for now - I won't be getting into all the other versions just yet...

He-111 H1 of KG1 Luftwaffe, 1940.


He-111 H1 of 4/KG1 Luftwaffe, 1940.


He-111 H1 of 9/KG53 Luftwaffe, 1940.


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