He-219 on rails

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Aug 21, 2006
He-219 on rails, interesting drawing.

Enjoy Micdrow


  • He 219.bmp
    686.6 KB · Views: 696
seems pretty silly as the test unit/factory had the I./NJG 1 personell fly in and pick up the A-0's and A-2's and fly back to base .......
seems pretty silly as the test unit/factory had the I./NJG 1 personell fly in and pick up the A-0's and A-2's and fly back to base .......

Was thinking about that to Erich, Not just because of fuel shortages in the Reich. Im wondering if this is the procedure to get aircraft back for repairs due to damage from accidents and combat damage that can not fly. Reason why I started collecting these type of documents and pictures was so I could build a HO scale train system for my son.

Micdrow :lol:

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