Hearts of Iron II

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My U.S game has come to an end, with an Allied victory. Japan was destroyed and the U.K negociated the peace, which didn't really suit me but I got Machuria and North Korea from it, and the Marcus Islands - but I had already conquered the Pacific and Japan itself - so was a bit miffed, but Japan kept it's own and even got China... yeah ...I know, weird. Anyway - that didn't last long though. India and Pakistan came into being and seperated...and then the Soviet Union attacked! They took Manchuria off me but were halted at North Korea - and I left that war to the U.K who did quite well at containing them. The Red Navy was crushed in the Atlantic ... and I diverted everything to Europe ...the Red Army pushed to North Italy - that's the furthest West they got before some excellent tactics on my part encircled four armoured divisions, six infantry divisions and two militia divisions - which collapsed their assault, and I went on the offensive.

Colours - Pink = Britain, Dark Blue = USA, Red = Soviet Union, Orange = Netherlands (Note:: Most of what they've got, I took for them)

Look at the aircraft I have! And just before it ended I did take Kiev.


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I played as France next and the world, once again was changed drastically. Building armour like crazy from 1936, I managed to have a formidable war machine by 1938. More formidable on modern terms than the historically large but horse based French army.

In September 1938 Germany had militarised the Rhineland and had taken Austria. Next would come the Sudetenland in October with the Munich Pact - or would it?

In September I attacked the West Wall of Germany and broke into it, I took Saarbrucken but was halted there. Not much of a move but the political cogs began turning, the Kriegsmarine were not ready to face up to the Royal Navy and suffered accordingly. Italy didn't join in on Germany's side. And Poland saw an oppurtunity and attacked Germany. Germany was in the worse position imaginable, caught between two European powers. But Germany held on and the war dragged into 1944, when Germany was finally defeated. I gained the Rhineland and Austria, Poland had everything else.

While the way was going on against Germany, Japan declared war on the Allies and the US, which brought the US into the alliance. The Alliance crushed the IJN and captured all Japanese land but Japan itself, and a few islands. In fact, I had to capture Leyte, Okinawa and Hong Kong [back].

With Germany destroyed, Italy frightened and Japan contained there was one enemy left that was too big for it's boots. The Soviet Union! With 528 divisions it was the largest force in the world ...as France, I only had 116 divisions and I had one less armoured division. I thought it be best to strike first and invaded in March 1946. Although out-numbered, I did gather all forces together in the south...and encircled the Soviet armies in the Dnieper bend which crushed at least 30 divisions in the first encirclement, they hadn't placed any local reserves nearby leaving the way to Stalingrad clear! I had skirted just south of Kiev and found it unimportant. I was after the armies, not the cities. So, I pushed to the Don but found no significant amount of forces to engage. So I turned my attention to the Soviets in the north and turned around then headed north towards Moscow. By now, US, Canadian, Dutch, British and Polish troops were covering the areas I had left behind.

I pushed up to Moscow and encircled, then captured it. I realised a perfect oppurtunity to encircle a massive amount of the Red Army and pushed simply on to the Gulf of Finland. It encircled at least 150 divisions in the biggest encirclment in history! After several other encirclements by me, and my armour, the Soviet Union was reeling from the constant pressure. By January 1948 [when the game ends], we'd pushed past the Urals and the Red Army had gone from 528 divisions to 76 divisions, with 3 armoured divisions.

:note: You see two of the encirclements in the pictures, but I didn't picture the Dnieper bend one.


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I just print screen, then come out of the game and save it in paint. It's actually a pointless venture because I know there's programmes out there that you can just keep taking pictures with and they automatically store them.
What are the requirments for it, I got a Dell, Windows 98 Pentium III
with the modular super duper conducting thing a majig with a gas powerd hard drive, with a rope that I have to pull to get the damn thing started, I cant park it on a slant because for some reason the Motor Oil seems to mix will the fuel, I got to take it in to get fixed.
I am now playing as the United Kingdom. What shall happen? Well, I've already changed one thing. I secured Republic Spains freedom, then brought them into the Alliance. Nationalist Spain still uprose, and the Spanish Civil War began but Britain and her Commonwealth, along with France, got involved and we crushed the uprising in October 1936. Now Spain is in the alliance as well, just one more country for Germany to fight if it starts anything.

It's currently 1937 and I'm building a lot! I've just finished my run of ten Tribal-Class DD flotillas, and also my run of twenty infantry divisions. I'm building five mountain divisions [two are already done] for Burma, ten Southampton-Class CLs, five Illustrious-Class CVs, five wings of Hurricane Mk.Is, five wings of Spitfire Mk.Is, five wings of Hudsons, ten radar sites and five naval groups for my carries [Swordfish and Sea Gladiators].

But I forgot to start up my image capture programme while all that happened so there's no pictures. But I do have pictures of the start, only five. In the pictures you can see my starting production programme, that I set up.

Oh, and Adler, I changed the music on the game. In peace time I've got songs like Rage Against the Machine - War Within a Breath! :lol:


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Since CC now has the game, maybe this thread can be brought back to life. I'm currently playing as Canada, and currently am a dictatorship (Paternal Autocrat). Building up my Industrial Capacity (IC) I hope to be able to wage effective war by 1941, at the moment I'm in no real position to aid the Alliance. However, I have sent two fighter groups to France to aid in the early air battles.

The RCAF is made up of two fighter groups, both equipped with F4F Martlets. The RCN is made up of the Canadian Transport Squadrons with six TP flotillas, Canadian Destroyer Squadron I with six A-Class DD flotillas and Canadian Force Group A with six Battle-Class DD flotillas, three Surrey-Class CAs and three Quebec-Class CLs. The Canadian Army is made up of six infantry divisions, with a Armoured Car Brigade attached to the 1st Canadian Infantry Division.


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Ill get some screenshots of my hopeless game later on. Damn, seeing IC figures all white and not all red is a big difference for me ;) After becoming part of the axis though Germany have given me loads of blueprints...

One question though pD, when I allied with Austria before they got annexed by Germany, they gave me a squadron of Stukas and other planes, but I cant find where they are...?
If they're not in the force pool, Germany have taken them.
That'll be it then. Im going to start a new game some time with USA, cos Africa has been having lots of Partisan trouble and fighting them has used all my supplies and resources. Im gonna die so bad ;)
Are you using garrison units in Africa? They're excellent at quelling resistance. To play as the U.S is a good way to learn, it's a large nation and there's little chance of you actually losing your nation.
Awesome! I think ill get the game. So can you guys build the atomic bomb and use it? Oh and when you start, can you play until any date or is it limited. Ex: Started 1936 to 1965?

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