Helicopter Album

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Cool, here's one, good looking crew chief!


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Here's my old Flight for Life Helicopter (already posted)


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How about a Huey with a 200 pound passive IR antenna mounted on the nose!
It looks like there aint enough room on board for someones suit case Fly so they strapped it to the front :) (by the way do you still have the lip fluff all you have to do is wax it and instant chocks away chaps :lol: )
When the workhorse gets mad..


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Well I will definnatly contribute here since I am rotorhead. Ive got lots of great pics to post, just got to get them organized.
Well here are my first contributions:

The 1st one is my Blackhawk when I went to pick it back up in Mannheim Germany after it got back from Iraq. The other 3 are of a Huey going to the mothball joint (breaks down and cries) in Mannheim Germany. It was originally used as Opfor for training when we went to the field.


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Nice shots Adler id love to get me mitts inside something like that, mind you by the time id have fininshed it couldnt be used as a blender.
so if you ever need some dismantling doing Im yer man. :)
Then wait till you look at some of mine. Unfortunately can't remember the sources but have stated that when posting them. I got them through search-engine looking.
Here's a picture of a HC.2 Wessex from 22 Sqd. SAR Wing who my dad served with at RAF Leuchars. He fixed the the helicopter in the picture!


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Ive often woundered D why the US Coast Guard and the RAF/Navy Airsea rescue favour different recovery methods The UK seem to go for the Strop and winch man where as the US prefer to use a basket. any Ideas? Perhaps Les with his watery connections or Skim being a Matlot
could help

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