Hello from East of France

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DerAdlerIstGelandet (and to all) I have a lot of humour (french ?) but sometime it's difficult to understand when it's not your mother tongue.

Between us, you all certainly know that my area (Alsace) was 2 times german during the last century, so I must admit that most of the time I can't bear the kind of "parisian" guy who thinks that he's the most important, the one who knows everything, etc...probably some german genes.
My grand'father was what we call a "Malgre-nous" (literally "despite us"), an ex-french young guy (region was german at this moment) that must fight for the german army. He has written a memory where he covers his war experience.
This to explain that we (the Alsacians) are "heart-devided" and not always feel like "real" frenchies.

Matt308, I don't have URLs, it's just some threads I've seen when surfing into forums, but it was only jokes too.

I agree to Torch, the "Citadelle" (an underground fort) and the Verdun area give you really an impressive feeling about what the WWI combats should have looked like...horrible...maybe worse...

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