HELP! Airshow vacation ideas

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
So, come 1 Jan., I get 5 weeks vacation but I have to have the days I'm taking by February submitted. I'm trying to find the dates for several airshows along the East Coast and having a hard time. Anybody know the dates for these or have some suggestions?

1. WWII Weekend: Reading, PA
2. Geneso Airshow: Geneso, NY
According to the website, June 4, 5, and 6, 2010. I'm gonna ask TO if he is going. I think I'm gonna get a room at the Days Inn nearby (walking distance from the field) and make it a real weekend.

Maybe Charles can come up and maybe Aaron Brooks as he is in VA also. Who knows!! :)
No but airfare is way too much for me to expend. I still pay childsupport, doesn't leave much left.
I believe Genny is on the 9-11 of July they are debating the theme at this point , they are working on their A20 Havoc and B23 but they won't be anywhere ready
Thanks Neil. I haven't decided which one yet but finances may dictate only one extravagant show this year. I threw the "Can I go to California in May?" act at my pre-wife and she gave me a look only Bigfoot could love. :) And I work weekends so I have to put the days in ahead of time.
According to the website, June 4, 5, and 6, 2010. I'm gonna ask TO if he is going. I think I'm gonna get a room at the Days Inn nearby (walking distance from the field) and make it a real weekend.

Maybe Charles can come up and maybe Aaron Brooks as he is in VA also. Who knows!! :)

Chris, I will certainly be there on Saturday June 5th, God and weather permitting. :)

Depending on circumstances, an over-nighter is not out of the question. But I guess there is time enough to decide on that.

Chris there is a really good airshow in Niagara Falls NY at the ANG base its one of my favourites they hold it every 3 years its called Thunder over Niagara you can go to airshow and ship the old lady off on a Wine tour its a win win situation
found this today from a previous Genny airshow , what do you think the cahnces of seeing that heavy formation anywhere again


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NJ, I'll have to do some checking but sometime around April they have a large airshow at Langley or Norfolk Naval Air Station. They alternate between the two for the Azalea Festival, the airshow be the the big bang for the beginning of the celebrations. It's been 20 years since I've been but it was always a good show. Just found this. Blue Angels Sept. 18-19.
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Yeah, Aaron, I'm gonna see if Charles can make the trip again! You gotta come!! We'll have a :" East Coast Regional Meeting" !!!! hahahahaha!!!!

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