Help on siggy picture downloading needed

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Ahoj Romku,

I was almost sure you wrote down the URL address at improper place there.Therefore I have asked about it.Now it is clear.But due to the Net failure yesterday in the evening I wasn't able to continue my help for you.

As you have asked for a correction here are three ones.Which one is better?
I assumed that you want the pic have sharper because the source pic is of good quality.Simply when a pic is quite small all details become less visible.I hope you will enjoy one of these.

zdrawim moc,


  • Romeknew1.gif
    64.7 KB · Views: 99
  • Romeknew2.gif
    63.7 KB · Views: 93
  • Romeknew3.gif
    65.1 KB · Views: 268,029

Many thanks m8!

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