Heritage Is Important; the Air Force Museum of New Zealand

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Good stuff Grant. Noticed a few days ago, that the former RNZAF Bristol Freighter has arrived in Bristol for restoration, and I think will be returning to NZ on completion.
Thanks Terry (just looking at your Bf 110 in progress - neat), the Bristol is staying put at Filton. The team at Aerospace Bristol want to bring it up to complete standard as it appeared before it went to New Zealand, so I think it was delivered in a natural metal scheme, which will look good. Here it is last year during a little precipitation.

Bristol for Bristol

Link to the Aerospace site with pictures of it having arrived at Filton.

Support the Bristol Freighter
Good stuff, thanks Grant.
I hadn't realised it was staying at Bristol - good to have one back in the UK. The last time I saw one, it was unloading the 'Cinerama' projectors at Newcastle Airport, for one of the first wide-screen cinemas in the country, so that must have been in the mid 1960s.
I always though the Bristol Freighter would have mad a good SF aircraft in it's time - with SF troops jumping from the rear, and a Land Rover or two in the hold.
Yes, its staying; a big bonus for the UK aviation preservation scene, certainly fills a gap left vacant after the one that crashed in 1996. There were a few (not too many) NZ preservation bods decrying the fact that it hadn't been saved or put in a museum sooner, but we already have three complete preserved Bristol Freighters, one of which is ground runnable, so not such a big loss at all. Better off in the UK, where the type was previously extinct.

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