Well, Butch Harris is a rather difficult person to assess and a yes/no answer to your question wouldn't be fair IMHO.
My thoughts about Sir AH
At the end of WWII Bomber-Command and the C-in-C could look back on a period of remarkable achievements, sending a clear message to the allies (esp. Stalin) that Britain had opened successfully a second front in the air before D-Day. But the main prize, winning by bombing alone, was never achieved. Sir AH, an enlightened, but also single-minded commander, had proved to be the saviour of BC, conducting a campaign in the only way possible after the catastrophic Butt Report. Mindful of his experiences in WWI he stuck with his theory that the war could be won by bombing alone and without a land campaign (Somme, Paschendale, etc. as frightfull reminders what can happen). In fact BC itself was having its 'Paschendale' in the air and this fact was not recognised by him and the upper RAF hierarchy ...or knowingly ignored.
But going back to your question IMHO he was the right man at the right moment and the post-war government did an outrageous injustice to him and every member of BC (gunners, pilots, w/ops, etc. etc.) by not awarding a campaign medal.....period.
BTW I have his biography, written by H.Probert .....mhhhm somewhere ...maybe in the cellar
....you wanna know my thoughts on the bombing campaign overall? Because that's another story
let me know