Hispano 20mm cannon - description and operation

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Excellent information! Thanks for posting it.

Several more manuals on other variations of the same gun (if Google have translated the German correctly)

Sandokan also posted a very nice clear HS-404 manual at Hispano-Suiza HS.42 manual


  • D.(Luft) T.6192 MG-HS 404 waffen-handbuch 1941.pdf
    26.2 MB · Views: 312
  • TM 9-227 20 mm Automatic Gun M1 and 20mm Aircraft Automatic Gun AN-M2 (42-04-02).pdf
    15.4 MB · Views: 212
  • TM 9-227 20 mm Automatic Gun M1 and 20mm Aircraft Automatic Gun AN-M2 (43-06-01).pdf
    9.9 MB · Views: 193
  • TM 9-229 20 MM automatic gun M3 (47-06-20).pdf
    129.8 MB · Views: 333
  • TM 9-1227 20mm gun for both aircraft and ground (42-08-07).pdf
    5.2 MB · Views: 205
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