Historic Finnish Aviation at Flickr

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Nov 6, 2004
I have personally copied all the photos shown at my photostream from the Finnish National Archive. Most of them have never been published on paper. I try to add more photos as I copy them from the archives and also add notes to the old ones. According to Finnish copyright law all these photos and pictures are free of copyright.
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Is their any pictures of an airfied at Turku?

ALso looking for photos of the Heinonen HK-1 Keltiainen if you should stumble across any.

Thanks for posting Martti.
Is their any pictures of an airfied at Turku?

ALso looking for photos of the Heinonen HK-1 Keltiainen if you should stumble across any.

Probably not since the stuff I'm looking is from the military archive and those you are looking is from a civilian archive. The only photos from HK-1 I know are at Finnish Aviation Museum's archive and I don't have any plans to go there for a long time. Sorry!

No problem. Look forward to seeing more of your uplpads.

Hi Martti,
very, very interesting material.Please do keep us posted!
If you haven't visited the site lately there are lot of new material uploaded like this photography of Kemijärvi taken on 16th July 1936.

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