HMS Queen Elizabeth

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English is an easy language to learn?
And the problem with that is?

What is your point?

I have never visited Germany...although I did own a Volkswagen once

I do own a French car. owned two.

A Puegeot and a Citroen. and I will own another. I would give much to have a go in a Citroën DS. The car I adore most.

I don't buy the idea that German cars are better. Some modern Volkswagens are now not even built in Germany.

I live in Fife near Edinbrugh.

I have never learnt or studied German but I ty my best with Spanish as I do enjoy Spanish culture and their way of life.

Plan D is most patriotic when it comes to attacks on our green and pleasant land.
And with good reason.
Hello The Basket,

Depends on what you "feel" and the content of an accusation and therefore respond to as being attacked. If someone would tell me that Hitler was a typical German and was supported by a majority of the Germans in 1933 who wanted to rule Europe and now Germany is trying to do the same thing I would indeed feel attacked. If however someone would tell me that Hitler played diplomatic games in order to conquer and control Europe and caused millions of dead, why should I feel attacked? – It's a fact.

I noticed that a lot of the British people love Spain or Tenerife, how is that? To my impression Spanish lifestyle and culture is actually very distant from British lifestyle.

do not forget that the royal navy has boomers lying at sea,waiting;just in case we are threatened by another maniac like napolion,king wilhem or hitler.starling.
Well some British do seem to have difficulties in writing in English.

It is Napoleon not napolion, and Kaiser Wilhelm II, not king wilhem, and Hitler not hitler.
I always thought that Britain's boomers are part of NATO contra Warsaw Pact or Russia, well now I know a lot more. Should I be surprised?


Well...Hitler was Austrian. I agree that saying that modern Germany is equal to Nazi Germany is a bit too far and not something which can be acceptable on this gentlemanly forum.

The not being able to spell bit is all to clear...

I can only speak as I find and the relaxed Spanish attitude with the Sun is a big factor. My fellow Britishers seem to have drinking problems and cheap Spanish booze is another factor.
Hello Marcel,

Thanks for the wink, but honestly I do not have any problems with Plan_D, I happen to grow up amongst a very international community in my fist 20 years, which also included a lot of Brits. So I do know them pretty well.

As I mentioned earlier I have quite a lot of good friends in GB, and many have a very solid knowledge about our forum topics, but if one touches their prime issues they immediately feel attacked or put down – which sometimes makes an ongoing discussion very hard if not to say impossible. But that is the way they are and I am not different.

I can see if I discuss with some WW2 Pub brawler (they do have enough of them in Germany as well) or someone like Plan_D so don't worry.

But they have far more Pubs in England then Germany


Okay, just to make sure.
I disagree on the amount of pubs, though, I've had a holiday in Bavaria, once
I think it was, Freebird.


"Where did I say all wars? please don't start to act like a small boy"

You honestly believe I'm not going to feel the need to strike back when you post patronising and pathetic little lines like that? Maybe you didn't say all wars but you certainly implied a lot , or all, of Europes wars. You fail to pinpoint which wars you're actually talking about.

"No they would have attacked Germany which had an inferior Army, such as the EU attacked Serbia"

That's a nice thought but France had the largest army in Western Europe, and they didn't attack Germany in 1939 while it was at war with Poland and Italy wasn't involved.

"And because you know how to read and write German or French you came to this conclusion? A German text translated into English reduces itsself to about70% of the content"

No, that's not how I came to that conclusion. My statement was quite reasonable actually. English is easier to speak because it is a simple language. However, when it comes to reading and writing you have many problems like "reading" and "Reading" which are both pronounced differently because one is a place name! And then you've got "their", "they're" and "there". There's countless silly little grammer rules.

This discussion is irrelevant, however. Learning languages is all about your age and native tongue; German and English are extremely close to one another. And while a European would find Japanese difficult, someone from China would find it relatively easy.

"We didn't talk about the world, but Europe. And nobody would dispute that the world business language is English due to the British Empire, so?
Did I say that I have a problem with that? - after all it is a very easy language.

You seem to have a desperate need to emphasize on anything related to England/English"

Whether English was an easy language or not, the world would run on it. I have a need to keep the facts clear, Kruska. We wouldn't anyone forgetting history. Europe uses English because it would be left behind if it didn't.

"Don't let Plan_D know that Lucky you didn't own a French car"

Basket, you owned a German car! And a French car! You absolute traitor! I have to admit though my [French] 206 is a really nice car, and my friends [German] Polo GT ain't half bad, and then my other friends [Italian] Punto ...well, that isn't so good.

I think Polos are made in Spain!
I like my French cars and they have done what I asked....just like my Passat Panzerwagen did.
I would own a British car but my budget doesnt stretch to a Aston Martin.

I am hoping Kruska says what he wants to say. He certainly has been trying his best to get under good ole British skins.
Well a Caterham 7 looks like a boat, and it could "carry" a British

And good Lord its from £32,295 onward. - a reasonable downpayment for a 2nd hand "Aston Martin".

I think I started this thread and it is supposed to be about the new British CVs. To get back on track, I believe that the influence of sea power may be greater today than ever before. Hopefully the US will continue to keep it's fleet up to date and Britain will put into commission those new CVs. I will use my position as thread starter though and express my preference for Japanese cars. Have a Ridgeline and FX45.
In reference to a FX45 let me say …….,

As I mentioned before, wouldn't it make more sense for GB to rent an existing carrier from the USN and supplement it with their own crew and hardware. Since I still believe that the carrier needs to be incorporated into a fleet in regards to protection they might even consider just to deploy own units onto a USN carrier. After all they are NATO and on even terms - political opinions -with the US.

More or less like the Bundeswehr units that payed and manned the Pershing missiles for the NATO or US ARMY in the 60's to the 90's.


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