Horton Brothers Flying Wings

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Mar 31, 2006
What is the story on the WW2 Horten Brothers flying wings that
were first built as gliders in 1930? And were almost made with
jet engines toward the end of the war. Never finished as the
war ended too soon for Germany....what happened to make the
futuristic swept back wing designs so long in development? Did
the Germans distrust the Hortens?
Did the aircraft need jet engines that were more powerful? Lucky
for the Allies that Germany ran out of gasoline,pilots and
everything else as this design may have proved to be a great
"Wonder Weapon". Anyone have any comments?
Actually the Ho-229 flew in January of 1945 and was preparing to enter production.



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I have pictures for you and info but my PC is full of shit tonight and I can not get what I want. I will try to remmember next time.

Horten 229 prototypes Part 1

Ok here they are. I have been promising these pics and now I will provide I can finally post them.

First is the Horten 229 V1 glider prototype, they first tested the design on this glider and it proved successfull. Sadly it were destroyed by the Russians after the war.

The cockpit of the Horten 229 V1.

Now the only Horten 229 to ever fly were the Horten 229 V2 prototype that were powered by two Jumo 004 jet engines. It was a successfull aircraft, but after a rough landing it were grounded until repairs have been made, but after the repairs were made the test pilot Erwin Ziller ignored the orders of the Horten brothers not to fly until they were there he did it anyway and that proved to be his last flight. The aircraft stalled and crashed killing him and destroying the only powered Horten 229 prototype. This meant that the Horten brothers had to wait even longer to be able to get things properly up and running. Here is the pics I have.

Take off of the Horten 229 V2 powerd prototype.

Drawings of the Horten 229.

In Part two the Horten 229 V3 story and pictures of it then and now.

To be continued.....

Horten 229 prototypes Part 2

Ok, now on the first part I did the Horten 229 V1 and V2 prototypes. Now the V1 and V2 were destroyed, but the V3 did survived the war and it is now in the NASM waiting to be restored, but sadly never flew.

The story of the Horten 229 V3 is also sad in a certain way. It were captured and studied, but left to be forgotton in a hanger to rot for 61 years and not even to get the attention like other aircraft got.

Some pics of the Horten 229 V3 when it were captured and how it looks today.

The cockpit of the Horten 229 V3.

The Horten 229 V3 today.

The wings:

The inside of the aft landing gear bay.

The back of the aircraft.

The drag vlaps.

The front landing gear port you can see cockpit in the background.

The intake of the Jumo 004 engine.

The underside of the aircraft.

The V4.

The V5.

Next the full story of the Horten 229.

To be continued.....

Horten 229 prototypes Part 3

Here is the story of the whole project. This is from the NASM website that also had interviews with the Horten brothers about their work, It is also on tape, their explanation for not restoring the Horten 229 V3 is that they are waiting for their new facility to be completed, this will all in all take 7 years.

To be continued.....

Thanks les.

Horten 229 prototypes Part 4

Next the Horten 18 story.

To be continued.

I wrote to a magazine here in South Africa (WORLD AIRNEWS ) about the Horten 229 V3, but they made misstakes and just pissed me off so I told them, but ag ja they claimed that their info were correct. The response on that article were enormous and some even said that it should be brought to SA and restored here.

Here is a link to the magazine's website.


Horten 18 America Bomber Part 5

This comes from Luft 46.


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