Geoffrey Sinclair
Staff Sergeant
- 957
- Sep 30, 2021
Somehow quoting does not seem to work for me. The point of my original message was here is the data, make up your own mind.
When it comes to the monthly summaries the 8th Air Force uses Heavy Bomber Support sorties, they start in April 1943 where the only date fighters and bombers flew on the same day was the 17th, 115 Bombers to Bremen, 81 fighters to Blankenburg/Bruges/Flushing, another 59 fighters as part of Circus 285, attacking a power station at Zeebrugge, two other circus operations were run that day, one before and one after the Zeebrugge operation, to targets in France, plus 2 Rodeos, 455 RAF+USAAF offensive fighter sorties, 3 fighters lost, 2 damaged. So if the 8th Air Force fighter sorties to Zeebrugge at least are counted as heavy bomber support so must be the RAF ones. My understanding is during 1943 the RAF began acting as insertion and withdrawal cover given the Spitfire's shorter range. Also over the course of the war the 9th Air Force flew 12,950 effective heavy bomber escort sorties, at a loss rate of 7.75 per thousand credit sorties, versus 4.22 when escorting medium bombers. At some point someone makes a decision sorties on the day are either too far away or at too different a time to count as heavy bomber support. I do suspect the 17 April Circus 285 sorties are really medium bomber support but stuck into the only bomber support column available in the report.
By definition until the 28 July 1943 mission all 8th AF fighter cover for missions to Germany was either insertion, withdrawal or support. Relay as defined by Hammel is the tactic of fighters flying independently to a sector then patrolling it as the bombers pass through. The 8th AF had 3 operational P-47 groups from 13 April to 12 August 1943, gaining a fourth that day, whatever fighter tactics change was made in June and July 1943 it was not due to extra US fighters, it would have been nudged by the RAF reporting from the various operations over France that bomber raids attracted Luftwaffe fighters, versus fighter only operations to similar areas, plus the US bomber losses.
The 8ths "Heavy Bomber support" sorties were from April to December 1943 were
119, 603, 697, 1,284, 1,496, 1,758, 2,513, 4,110, 4,811 versus
407, 1,676, 1,225, 1,042, 759, 1,462, 760, 337, 254 other fighter sorties, versus
353, 1,217, 1,128, 1,609, 1,653, 2,088, 1,911, 2,483, 4,730 heavy bomber sorties
I agree the total strength in the units is not the same as the number available to be sent or even the number willing to be sent in a given day. If we are going to use available for combat, then operational crews need to be addressed, not just aircraft, April 1944 8th Air Force daily average for the month, 1st Line tactical aircraft, fighters, 1,305 assigned to air force, 1,060 on hand with tactical units, 784 fully operational, crews, 1,279 assigned, 953 available, effective combat strength of fighter force 775. Or if you like P-38 July 1944, 1 operational group, 82 aircraft on station, 67 fully operational, 113 crews, 89 fully operational, effective strength 67. There is also combat experience, as of 21 December 1943 only 29.2% of the P-38 pilots had 21 to 60 hours and they were the most experienced, versus 61.5% of P-47 pilots who had at least 21 hours.
I gave 2 months worth of data which gave the number sent and lost but apparently the number of effective sorties needs to be added? My December 1943 figures are 386 P-38 sorties to 351 P-51. I did not make any comment about "more on escort". Simply put in late 1943/early 1944 the relative numbers of P-38 and P-51 fluctuated as new groups arrived. The point of the P-38 strength data was to show how long the 8th Air Force kept operating the P-38 and how some P-47 groups were converted first. It was also as the only Luftwaffe strength figure included was also a total strength. I am still in search of the evidence the P-38 fought consistently heavily outnumbered.
In terms of numbers E R Hooton has the sortie totals by the USAAF escort fighters to Germany versus Jagdkorps I (which controlled the fighters defending Germany) day fighter sorties
month USAAF / Luftwaffe
10/43 3,033 / 3,840
11/43 2,800 / 2,531
12/43 4,926 / 1,153
01/44 6,187 / 3,315
02/44 9,914 / 4,242
03/44 13,584 / 3,672
04/44 14,811 / 4,505
The 8th notes its 1944 attrition rate as 25.1% for P-38 (January to October), 19.9% P-47, 20.7% for the P-51 based on authorised group strength of 75 aircraft.
According to the 8th Air Force January to May 1944 inclusive heavy bomber support made up 86.6% P-38, 91.3% P-47 and 90.7% of P-51 sorties dispatched (excluding unused spares), this sortie definition applies to the following figures
January to May 1944, 10,568 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 9,148 heavy bomber support.
June 1944, 7,345 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 2,757 heavy bomber support. (P-47 7,358/3,861, P-51 10,447/6,958)
July 1944, 3,704 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 2,927 heavy bomber support
August 1944, 1,382 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 815 heavy bomber support
September 1944, 683 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 348 heavy bomber support
Little difference in employment until post Overlord. A total of 26 P-38 sorties sent in October, all heavy bomber support. As of this month the 8th Air Force reports its P-38 units had claimed 264 kills in the air since August 1942 versus 358 losses on operations, versus 1,469 P-47 kills and 644 losses and 1,783 P-51 kills and 887 losses.
The P-38 without dive flaps was restricted to mach 0.65, the flaps raised the effective dive speed by around 20 mph but made recovery safer. Mach tuck began at about mach 0.74. It is my understanding with its good acceleration and climb but poor diving ability, the Luftwaffe pilots tended to worry more about P-38 below them than above.
I pulled the original data from a number of messages which had been using Air War Europa by Eric Hammel, the messages made it clear the book was about US air operations in Europe, Richard Davis agrees the first use of window by the 8th AF was on 20 December 1943, which would also be the first daylight use. It was me that did not explicitly put in first day or first US, I thought it was obvious.
When did "assigned sweeps" become a common tactic, the 8th had more than one fighter group per bomb wing/division as of mid August 1943, with the wings renamed divisions on 13 September 1943. And how does this tie into the idea of the fighter groups having A, B and even C formations?
A final point, it seems the heavy bomber groups were all given strength increases between around November 1943 and June 1944, the average bombers per group rising from the high 30s to the mid/low 60s. So this happened over the six months after the decision to increase the size of a group.
However the fighter groups are another story. By early 1944 they were certainly authorised to have the larger size but reality was, on average, they stayed at the old strength until later in 1944, no real change in strength per group before July 1944, they hover around the old strength of 75. The number of operational fighters per group does jump from the high 50s/low 60s to the high 60s in October 1944 implying the groups were finally able to increase their size. (December 1944 the 14 P-51 groups had 1,185 aircraft on station) Around a year after the increase had been authorised. I know the 9th AF fighter groups were complaining they were short of aircraft, so presumably the same applies to the 8th, especially given the desire to convert to P-51s.
So the figures are saying the average 8th AF fighter group was no bigger in mid 1944 than in mid 1943 but the bomber groups were around 50% larger. And note there were extra operational strength boosts for the bombers due to better supplies of spare parts and replacement aircraft. It also helps explain the anxieties of the 8th AF command about fighter numbers, the number of bomber groups looked the same but there were more bombers to escort.
When it comes to the monthly summaries the 8th Air Force uses Heavy Bomber Support sorties, they start in April 1943 where the only date fighters and bombers flew on the same day was the 17th, 115 Bombers to Bremen, 81 fighters to Blankenburg/Bruges/Flushing, another 59 fighters as part of Circus 285, attacking a power station at Zeebrugge, two other circus operations were run that day, one before and one after the Zeebrugge operation, to targets in France, plus 2 Rodeos, 455 RAF+USAAF offensive fighter sorties, 3 fighters lost, 2 damaged. So if the 8th Air Force fighter sorties to Zeebrugge at least are counted as heavy bomber support so must be the RAF ones. My understanding is during 1943 the RAF began acting as insertion and withdrawal cover given the Spitfire's shorter range. Also over the course of the war the 9th Air Force flew 12,950 effective heavy bomber escort sorties, at a loss rate of 7.75 per thousand credit sorties, versus 4.22 when escorting medium bombers. At some point someone makes a decision sorties on the day are either too far away or at too different a time to count as heavy bomber support. I do suspect the 17 April Circus 285 sorties are really medium bomber support but stuck into the only bomber support column available in the report.
By definition until the 28 July 1943 mission all 8th AF fighter cover for missions to Germany was either insertion, withdrawal or support. Relay as defined by Hammel is the tactic of fighters flying independently to a sector then patrolling it as the bombers pass through. The 8th AF had 3 operational P-47 groups from 13 April to 12 August 1943, gaining a fourth that day, whatever fighter tactics change was made in June and July 1943 it was not due to extra US fighters, it would have been nudged by the RAF reporting from the various operations over France that bomber raids attracted Luftwaffe fighters, versus fighter only operations to similar areas, plus the US bomber losses.
The 8ths "Heavy Bomber support" sorties were from April to December 1943 were
119, 603, 697, 1,284, 1,496, 1,758, 2,513, 4,110, 4,811 versus
407, 1,676, 1,225, 1,042, 759, 1,462, 760, 337, 254 other fighter sorties, versus
353, 1,217, 1,128, 1,609, 1,653, 2,088, 1,911, 2,483, 4,730 heavy bomber sorties
I agree the total strength in the units is not the same as the number available to be sent or even the number willing to be sent in a given day. If we are going to use available for combat, then operational crews need to be addressed, not just aircraft, April 1944 8th Air Force daily average for the month, 1st Line tactical aircraft, fighters, 1,305 assigned to air force, 1,060 on hand with tactical units, 784 fully operational, crews, 1,279 assigned, 953 available, effective combat strength of fighter force 775. Or if you like P-38 July 1944, 1 operational group, 82 aircraft on station, 67 fully operational, 113 crews, 89 fully operational, effective strength 67. There is also combat experience, as of 21 December 1943 only 29.2% of the P-38 pilots had 21 to 60 hours and they were the most experienced, versus 61.5% of P-47 pilots who had at least 21 hours.
I gave 2 months worth of data which gave the number sent and lost but apparently the number of effective sorties needs to be added? My December 1943 figures are 386 P-38 sorties to 351 P-51. I did not make any comment about "more on escort". Simply put in late 1943/early 1944 the relative numbers of P-38 and P-51 fluctuated as new groups arrived. The point of the P-38 strength data was to show how long the 8th Air Force kept operating the P-38 and how some P-47 groups were converted first. It was also as the only Luftwaffe strength figure included was also a total strength. I am still in search of the evidence the P-38 fought consistently heavily outnumbered.
In terms of numbers E R Hooton has the sortie totals by the USAAF escort fighters to Germany versus Jagdkorps I (which controlled the fighters defending Germany) day fighter sorties
month USAAF / Luftwaffe
10/43 3,033 / 3,840
11/43 2,800 / 2,531
12/43 4,926 / 1,153
01/44 6,187 / 3,315
02/44 9,914 / 4,242
03/44 13,584 / 3,672
04/44 14,811 / 4,505
The 8th notes its 1944 attrition rate as 25.1% for P-38 (January to October), 19.9% P-47, 20.7% for the P-51 based on authorised group strength of 75 aircraft.
According to the 8th Air Force January to May 1944 inclusive heavy bomber support made up 86.6% P-38, 91.3% P-47 and 90.7% of P-51 sorties dispatched (excluding unused spares), this sortie definition applies to the following figures
January to May 1944, 10,568 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 9,148 heavy bomber support.
June 1944, 7,345 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 2,757 heavy bomber support. (P-47 7,358/3,861, P-51 10,447/6,958)
July 1944, 3,704 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 2,927 heavy bomber support
August 1944, 1,382 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 815 heavy bomber support
September 1944, 683 P-38 sorties dispatched of which 348 heavy bomber support
Little difference in employment until post Overlord. A total of 26 P-38 sorties sent in October, all heavy bomber support. As of this month the 8th Air Force reports its P-38 units had claimed 264 kills in the air since August 1942 versus 358 losses on operations, versus 1,469 P-47 kills and 644 losses and 1,783 P-51 kills and 887 losses.
The P-38 without dive flaps was restricted to mach 0.65, the flaps raised the effective dive speed by around 20 mph but made recovery safer. Mach tuck began at about mach 0.74. It is my understanding with its good acceleration and climb but poor diving ability, the Luftwaffe pilots tended to worry more about P-38 below them than above.
I pulled the original data from a number of messages which had been using Air War Europa by Eric Hammel, the messages made it clear the book was about US air operations in Europe, Richard Davis agrees the first use of window by the 8th AF was on 20 December 1943, which would also be the first daylight use. It was me that did not explicitly put in first day or first US, I thought it was obvious.
When did "assigned sweeps" become a common tactic, the 8th had more than one fighter group per bomb wing/division as of mid August 1943, with the wings renamed divisions on 13 September 1943. And how does this tie into the idea of the fighter groups having A, B and even C formations?
A final point, it seems the heavy bomber groups were all given strength increases between around November 1943 and June 1944, the average bombers per group rising from the high 30s to the mid/low 60s. So this happened over the six months after the decision to increase the size of a group.
However the fighter groups are another story. By early 1944 they were certainly authorised to have the larger size but reality was, on average, they stayed at the old strength until later in 1944, no real change in strength per group before July 1944, they hover around the old strength of 75. The number of operational fighters per group does jump from the high 50s/low 60s to the high 60s in October 1944 implying the groups were finally able to increase their size. (December 1944 the 14 P-51 groups had 1,185 aircraft on station) Around a year after the increase had been authorised. I know the 9th AF fighter groups were complaining they were short of aircraft, so presumably the same applies to the 8th, especially given the desire to convert to P-51s.
So the figures are saying the average 8th AF fighter group was no bigger in mid 1944 than in mid 1943 but the bomber groups were around 50% larger. And note there were extra operational strength boosts for the bombers due to better supplies of spare parts and replacement aircraft. It also helps explain the anxieties of the 8th AF command about fighter numbers, the number of bomber groups looked the same but there were more bombers to escort.