How many aircrafts shot down by 56. FG P-47M's ?

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Jun 7, 2015
Hi , i'm looking for how many aircraft destroyed by 56.FG's P-47M1-RE's ? Also they have 7 jet kills and i really want to learn which pilot and which aircraft killed which type of jet ? I looked for some P-47M kill records but only one i found is Me262 shot down by George Bostwick. Also i want to learn which P-47M's crashed/destroyed and killed/wounded pilot in action too ? I'm looking for answers
I have 10 P-47M's lost or written off, starting on February 4, 1945, four Me 262s and one Ar 234 destroyed in the air. I have a question in my mind regarding the P-47M on February 3, 1945 so the victory mix for Feb 3 is unclear but I'm pretty sure all post 2/3/45 engagements were 100% P-47M

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