How many US Aircraft Carriers were enough?

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4,000+ Kamikazes lined up ready to go. Several hundred put a number of fleet carriers out of way during Okinawa.
For Operation Iceberg most of the air cover had to be delivered by carrier aviation due to the distances involved. As Okinawa is only 350 miles from southern Kyushu, the target area for Operation Olympic scheduled for 1 Nov 1945, far greater land based air power could be brought to bear, especially fighter cover, to augment a much larger force of CV/CVL/CVE than was assembled for Iceberg.

Okinawa would have provided a base for the 5th, 7th, 8th and 13th Air Forces plus 2 Marine Aircraft Wings and the first two squadrons of the RAF Tiger Force, plus 20th AF B-29s in the Marianas and 7th AF fighters on Iwo Jima.

As for the carrier groups themselves lessons had been learned. CAG compositions were being adjusted, CVLs would be fighter only but CVs with more SB2C, more radar picket destroyers with more SP fighter control radars and the first Project Cadillac AEW Avengers.

The downside was that the Japanese had worked out exactly which areas and beaches the landings would take place on.
To expand on E EwenS 's link:

Stuff like this is why I read here. I had no idea AEW was introduced that early.
Just the first invasion stage was impressive, Operation Olympic, slated for 1 November (X-Day) landing on Kyushu.
It would involve:
42 Aircraft Carriers
24 Battleships
400 Destroyers
14 U.S. Divisions (Army and Marines)

Also planned for deployment against Japanese strongholds, was the JB "Loon" (American version of the V-1) and the TDR-1, which was a TV controlled drone.
A few years ago, I was in Vancouver Washington, and I visited the site of the shipyard where those CVEs were built. Of course, a lot of it isn't there anymore, but what strikes me is even now, that area is not very densely populated. I'm surprised they were able to find the manpower to build them with all the competing demands for labor. Maybe they ferried people from Portland, across the Columbia River.
There was mass migration in the USA in WW2 to man all the shipyards and industrial plants. And many women joined the workforce. Have you heard of Rosie the Rivetter? This from just one site:-

Prosperity returned as the country mobilized for World War II. Eight months before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Tolan Committee investigating the migration of destitute citizens changed its name to the Committee on National Defense Migration. It went from a committee preventing people from migrating to one worried that not enough people would migrate to fill the jobs required by defense mobilization. Preparation for war generated a new wave of migration.

The South, with a glut of surplus labor, provided workers to the industrialized Midwest and an industrializing West. Most defense industries were located in the North and West, thus wasting a rare opportunity to change the course of southern social and economic life. The Willow Run bomber plant, constructed by Henry Ford near Detroit, attracted a flood of new laborers from other regions despite the urging of Office of Production Management to build defense plants in areas with labor surpluses, such as the South.

California became a magnet for regional migration. Historian James N. Gregory explains in American Exodus, "the effects were particularly stunning in California, which received more federal defense dollars than any other state, some ten percent of total war-era expenditures." All of those defense dollars attracted a mammoth migration of 621,000 people from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri that dwarfed the number of people who left these states during the 1930s Dust Bowl, an ecological disaster that ruined agriculture. And increasing numbers of African Americans from the South gave California its first significant black population.

In addition you had skilled workers encouraged to move to new plants to allow their experience to be spread amongst the unskilled recruits.
Very informative post. Much of the post is corroborated by Conways All the Worlds Fighting Ships 22-42, and Clarke Reynold's "The Fast Carriers".

If the War had continued to 1946, the Pacific Fleet would be so large that TF-38 and T-58 would both be at Sea, 38 flagged by ADM Towers, 58 flagged by ADM Sherman.
It wouldn't have taken until 1946. It was planned for Operation Olympic scheduled for Nov 1945.
Operation Coronet was planned for 1 March 1946, landing in the area near Tokyo, assuming that Operation Olympic was successful in securing the southern areas of Kyushu as well as key areas on the Asian mainland.
Coronet was planned to have both US and British assets involved.
A "what-if". I have read some of the details of Operation Downfall. All the forces to attack Kyushu. All the defenses of Kyushu. What if the Allies skipped Kyushu and went straight to Honshu? Sort of like the landings at Normandy being just a feint when the real invasion will be at Calais. Japan would not be able to redeploy easily. I know there would logistical complications and Kyushu out of range of land based aircraft from Okinawa. I was thinking of "Island hopping" on a grander scale since Kyushu seemed to have so much dug in force.
I am very thankful that this invasion wasn't necessary.
Operation Olympic would also have involved "British assets".

The British Pacific Fleet would have provided 2 carrier groups as part of the Third Fleet. 8 or 9 CV/CVL (depending on refit program) plus supporting Battleships, cruisers and destroyers supported by their own fleet train. It would have included ships manned by Australians, Canadians and New Zealander. You can get a feel for the composition of the BPF in Aug 1945 here -

In addition the first elements of the heavy bomber Tiger Force would have arrived on Okinawa. The Airfield Construction Service units earmarked to build their airfields arrived at Eniwetok just as the war was ending in Aug. The "Special Missions Wing" consisting of 9 and 617 squadrons with their 12,000lb Tallboy bombs and some 40 Lancasters were scheduled to deploy in late Sept 1945. With the end of the war the ACS units were diverted to aid the reoccupation of Hong Kong from the end of Aug 1945.

By the time of Operation Coronet the BPF would have expanded further. Tiger Force would also have grown, plans being for 20 Lancaster squadrons, a pathfinder Mosquito squadron and a Mosquito recce squadron plus supporting transport and Air Sea Rescue units.

A Commonwealth Corps of 3 army divisions was planned for Coronet, initially as a floating reserve. The 6th Canadian Div was being reorganised and equipped in Canada when the war ended. They would have been joined in Canada by the 3rd British Div in late 1945. In addition Australia was to raise a new division, the 10th, from units taken from existing divisions. The US insisted that all be armed with US weapons and organised on US lines to simplify logistics. They would probably have been landed from RN landing ships and craft. Britain had been lobbying for a greater ground element for Coronet but this was rejected by the US. MacArthur specifically rejected any involvement of Indian troops.
Southern Kyushu had air bases that were used by the Japanese to reach Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Taking the southern portion of Kyushu would eliminate the Japanese from reaching vital Allied foreward bases on Iwo and Okinawa as well as provide airfields for Allied operations pushing northward.

The Japanese homeland has few coastal areas suitable for beach landings and they had each of those locations well defended both in manpower and emplacements.

If you get a chance, look up Operation Ketsugo (Ketsu-Go). This was Imperial Japan's defense strategy to oppose the impending Allied landings and invasion.

Firstly, the Japanese had substantial forces on Honshu in Aug 1945, and were mobilising others, which would have avoided the need to try to redeploy troops from Kyushu. Map here of their dispositions.

Coronet was going to be a much larger operation than Olympic, 25 divisions landed in the first 30 days, with major elements deploying from the US west coast direct to the landing zone as well as from bases in the Philippines and around the Pacific. The landings were fully expected to be hard fought. US air power was vital to success. The whole point of seizing southern Kyushu (not the whole island) was to provide air bases to cover Coronet. Without those bases then the whole landing would need to be covered by the carriers of Third and Fifth Fleets until sufficient space could be obtained to allow construction of airfields. That would only have been on the same scale as planned for Olympic plus of course from Iwo Jima. But the airfields there were pretty much at max range for the P-47N and P-51D fighters deployed there, and there was little or no space to deploy more.

Normandy provides a good example of what could be achieved in Airfield construction. But the earliest strips there were for emergency landings, then rearming and refuelling with aircraft returning to England at night and after that for basing units as space increased. One problem in Japan is that much of the territory consisted of rice paddy fields with banks around them making Airfield construction more difficult.

Amongst the units planned for deployment were 2 Armoured divisions. These redeployed from Europe to the US in July / Aug 1945. By the time leave was given, and they were trained in amphibious techniques and re-equipped there is no way they would be ready in Nov 1945. Plans called for all the Armoured units to be equipped with a mix of M24 Pershing, M4 Sherman and M24 Chaffee. Mass production of M24 Pershing was only beginning to ramp up in summer 1945.

There were also plans for an artificial harbour for Coronet just like the Mulberries off Normandy. This was seen as essential to the logistic support of forces ashore. Problem is construction of the various elements was only beginning on the US west coast as a rush program as the war ended. No way would it have been ready by Nov 1945.

A good starting point to the plans is here

I'd also recommend this book.
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Well, so much for my cunning plan.
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you're correct, I'm on travel and don't have my copy of Fast Carrier to check. ADM Towers, one of the pioneers of Naval Aviation, finally got a major Sea Command when the War ended.
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Yup. My wife's grandmother moved to the West Coast to help build Liberty ships for the duration of the war.

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