How safe is your city?

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syscom - there's a reason that everyone here that's been out and about and has experience beyond books and one professor's opinion is trying to teach you something.

The proffesor is an active homicide investigator with decades of experience. What part dont you understand about that?

All you come back with are insulting and snide remarks, and telling these individuals that you will be managing them. That type of attitude is not going to serve you well.

Many people have an attitude that if the data doesnt fit their theory, then the data is wrong. And of course noone has any hard numbers to prove the stats were wrong. And its also obvious a couple of people here have no desire to improve their education in the world and would be more than happy to stay away from higher education. And those are the people that end up being supervised anyway.

Consider this your last warning...

Cut the ****ing attitude now!

No it is just that when someone does not agree with you, you start insulting and getting snobby attitude. You dont quit you can find someplace else.
Syscom you have now recieved and official infraction. No more friendly verbal warnings. The ball is in your court. Consider this now 2 strikes, 3 your out!

Syscom I dont understand why you act this way. For the most part you contribute greatly to this forum and start interesting conversations and threads. However when someone does not agree with you, you get offensive and insulting and get an attitude with them.

You are not better than anyone in this forum. You are nothing special. Never have been and never will be. So get your act together and act like an adult!
Holy sh*t, stats is a guideline not a thing you can use as evidence. To give you a overall idea of what is the situation they use stats not to use it as hard facts, they are not 100% correct and will never bee.

I do not have any degree and even if I did it does not mean you have the right to look down on someone and say he does not know anything. The Horton brothers did not have any degree or education about aircraft and look at the aircraft they designed and build.

Try to reason and not to get personal or try to use education against someone.

Looks like Dog is still watching.

Dyslexia rules K.O.

And a few facts (not statistics)

80 % of fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents happen at or below the speed limit.

The most common cause of death in an MVA, hitting a tree or power pole.

The Fire Service is the only Government agency able to record statistics based on race, age and gender.

This is done to allow "at risk" groups to be positively target with prevention methods.
Here ya go....

School Crime Reporting School Crime Underreporting'crime%20reporting%20inaccuracies'

Boston Police Dispute CP Claims of Inaccuracy in Crime Reporting

We discussed that in class (under reporting in general). The issue of under reporting crime doesnt change the overall statistics that much (when comparing crime between cities of similar rates). Most under reported crime is of low value property. And think of this; if you dont report a mugging or purse snatching, you do report your credit card's as being stolen, thus it does end up as being in one of many statistics that gets reported.

Its near impossible to not report murders and serious assaults where hospitalization is required. And for the serious crimes that are never reported, they're few enough as to not change the statistics is any meaningfull way. Plus, since most unreported crimes are in high crime rate cities, all it does it make those city rankings worse than what they are.

Again, noone is providing evidence that underreporting of crime changes the rankings. Youre making a conclusion this underreporting is selective in some cities and not others, and its high enough in the most serious catagories as to skew the results.
Universities are not the only form of education - and one in higher ed does certainly not have the right to put down other members based on the fact they don't have a degree. Hell - you put me down simply assuming I did not have a degree. I am disappointed in the disrespect you show, particularly to those who have spent years serving their respective countries - they, in addition to their families, are the ones making the sacrifices to give you that posh little life that you so thoroughly enjoy.
Holy sh*t, stats is a guideline not a thing you can use as evidence. To give you a overall idea of what is the situation they use stats not to use it as hard facts, they are not 100% correct and will never bee.

Once the accuracy exceeds a certein point, it doesnt matter if they are 100%.

If you want to nitpick about the final 2%, go ahead because it doesnt change things
You may not consider someone who has spent years and years word as evidence. It depends what you value. I value someone's experience over a collection of crime stats. Growing up in that area - I would not raise my kids there. There's that "whiz kid" phenomenon of trying to quantify everything (and I did take several quantitative methods classes - but switched one of my degrees to marketing since the piece of paper is all important) that derails real life experience.

We just moved to Corpus Christi - did I compile or look up reports on the various areas? No - I got in touch with buddies that were stationed there, and low and behold, based on their experience they led me to a nice corner of town. Everyone in the military has done the same moving to a new base. It's not disregarding stats that don't prove a theory - it's about the stats not accurately reflecting life in that area. Also - consider the error involved in attempting to quantify "safety" when it is a purely subjective, personal, and emotional state.

So tell me what college level courses you have taken in statistics and also in criminal justice?
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